Archie's Nightmare

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This is the beginning of my upcoming angsty chapters. I can make no promises on anything that will happen. But just know, it's going to get very tense. Then I'll go back to very wholesome chapters.

The next chapter after this will be a sad one but not connected to the little series I'm working up to.


Archie frowned as he got to the mountain side. They were supposed to meet here for lunch. Jack was nowhere to be found. He called out his name many times before getting a chill down his spine. He looked over the edge of the cliff to see a rogue nightmare staring up at him. He kept eye contact with it before it took off into the woods. He went to follow it but remembered it could be a trap. They always had a trap behind them. 

"Archie!" He stopped breathing at the scream. That was Jack's voice. Fuck the trap. He took the wind as fast as he could towards the scream. He kept hearing Jack call to him, his body pushing it's limit through the wind. He got to a clearing that made him freeze. He looked around to see familiar buildings, this was the old home of the Pookas. He had seen the art work of Eleanor who painted the old homes. 

"Archie look out!" He quickly ducked down at the sound of Marcus's voice. A sword of nightmare flew over his head. He did a quick circle to find that this was a battle field, full of nightmares and his friends. He began to fight but he wasn't in control. It was like he was stuck in someone else body. 

He heard Marcus scream as he turned to find his friend down. He went to scream for him but found himself stuck. Someone showed up right in front of him that made him stop breathing. 


He looked like Pitch. His skin was dark grey, his hair charcoal black. His eyes were dark yellow. He saw no good in his eyes. He couldn't speak fast enough as Jack drove a sword through his middle. He blinked to find himself no longer in that position. He was standing right next to the scene. 

Jack was standing in all blank armor that matched what Archie had seen in Pitch's lair. His dream self had on armor that looked the stuff in the Pooka's vault. He watched himself place a hand out to Jack's cheek. 

"Even under their control, can you still stomach the fact that you've killed me?" He heard himself say. Archie felt his face go pale as the dream version of himself smiled at Jack before falling to the ground, he had no choice from the wound. He flinched at the scream his nightmare Jack let out as the boy shot back, his hands going to his head. He watched Jack fall to the ground as he fought the nightmare's control. 

The image around him changed to find Jack looking more like himself but so much different. His skin was a little grey, his hair back white, but his eyes. His blue eyes were dull with nothing. The only thing in Jack's eyes were tears. He looked to the side to find North with red rimmed eyes. He found everyone with red eyes. The Guardian of Wonder was saying a prayer for the lost. 

Where was Bunny? And Marcus? He looked around to see clear boxes. 

"I can't stomach it. I-I can't b-breathe." Archie stumbled back as Jack dropped to his knees beside a clear walled coffin of himself. He watched Pitch hold Jack instead of Bunny. Archie quickly looked around for the Guardian of Hope but couldn't find him standing. He was laying in a box on the other side of Jack. 

Oh God.

"Jack." His voice went unheard as he tried to call to Jack, to tell him this wasn't real, but he wasn't heard. He ran infront of Jack to tell him it wasn't real. That nothing was his fault. He knew what was going through his head right now.

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now