Don't be Afraid

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The idea "History Repeats" from the chapter Ideas will come into play. Someone grab the tissues... A new power comes into play to save a life but at what cost? Is it worth it? There will be two parts, I want to know what you guy's think the second part will lead too :)


It wasn't really talked about how the tribe was thriving with growing. Mating season wasn't talked about. It was a steady time where Jack would leave and not come back until it was over. All Jack knew was that he was happy to play with all the new kits as they grew up. There was one kit that he favored over the others. The little one was a runt. 

Elliot was born to small. He was weaker than the others, couldn't run as fast, and wasn't graceful. He was also one that didn't like fighting. He liked painting and reading more. At the human years of six, Elliot could still fit in Jack's hood when Jack would tote him around. The other kits weren't jealous of the action because they were used to picking on him. 

That was another reason Jack would favor him. He was picked on for being the smallest one in the tribe. He was a runt and Jack felt a bond with him that others didn't understand. It was because if you thought about it Jack was a runt in the Seasonal world. He was the youngest one out of all of them. There was only one problem in Jack favoring Elliot. 

Lily's hormones. She watched how good Jack was with the little one, how caring he was for the little kit. It made her want... It made her so happy to see him be so caring. Not many tribe members would be this caring to a runt of a litter. It was a sad thing in the past because in the environment they used to be in it wouldn't fit to have a runt. The way of life was harder back then on runts. 

"I don't understand this word, Jackie." She looked over as Elliot was sitting in Jack's lap with a children's book that Jack would bring him. A new one would show up every other week for the little one to read. She couldn't take her eyes away as Jack looked up from his drawing to help him. 

"It's an animal. A golden retriever is a dog. You know what golden means so the retriever part is in it's name or it could mean "retrieve" which is getting something." She smiled as Elliot just nodded and went back to reading. She felt someone standing next to her as she looked up, Aster standing next to her. He couldn't look away either. 

They were called to help with a dye river blockage. None of the parents really worried about leaving the kit with Jack anymore, he cared for Elliot as if it was his own. 

Ridley looked up from helping Charlie with the blockage when he felt Jack's chill. He saw Jack talk to Elliot's mother about something with the kit in his hood. Both of them were looking at her with so much hope it made a smile come on his face. 

"That's fine, just be careful." 

"We will!" Elliot cheered before pulling on Jack's hair. The boy laughed before taking to the sky. Ridley didn't know where they were going but Elliot's mother was smiling. If she was smiling, everyone knew that Jack was doing something to involve him. He went back to help Aster with the blockage. 

It was an hour later when it happened. A chill went down his back as his ears perked up. He looked around as the feeling seemed to spread across everyone. There was a nightmare in the Warren. Pitch wasn't supposed to come here unannounced in case of scaring the kits. 

"Pitch, where are you?" Ares called out. He put the wood down as he looked around. He frowned when he didn't catch the shadows scent but there was a nightmare in the Warren. A lot of them actually. He looked to Aster who just shrugged his shoulders. He watched his son start walking to the house to see if he was there when it happened. 

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