The First Book

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Many of you will see a change in the first book I have. I came back to an inbox of two readers who came to the specific chapter in the very beginning I had written at 12 years old and were very descriptive on how much of a horrible person I was for writing that and that I should never write again. 

I won't say the users name but in their own words that I've copied and posted here, the two people said: 

"That chapter was disgusting an so are you. I hope those "break" chapters you've been having for your mental health get you to stop posting stupid shit like this. you should've known better."

"I hope you kys for that cruel world chapter. please do us all a favor and stop writing shit." 

"that chapter made me stop reading your book. I hope you know how terrible you made so many of us feel just by posting that. someone should've taught you better." 

"I should report ur whole book just for that stupid ass chapter."

And there were many more comments that were actually on the chapter that I have deleted. I do have to say these words have hurt me a lot since reading them but I'm going to delete it now. 

Please know that authors see what you say and they have a heart too.

A update for this book is coming up next that honestly hits harder now that I've seen what has happened on my own writing.

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