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One from the Ideas chapter. Two people we all know and love have been doing things to each other behind the scenes. This is two times Jack pranks Pitch, two times Pitch pranks Jack, and one time they team up. 


Jack's Prank: Glitter

Jack stared at the containers of glitter that North had. He had said there was to many glitter containers this year from Christmas production. Some of them had been taken by Bunny for this Easter but there were still some left. Jack looked over at Tinsel who was giving him a big smile. He looked back at the containers with a wicked smile. 

"Colorful. Everyone needs some color." Tinsel giggled, clapping his hands. He jumped on to Jack's back to settle into the hood of his hoodie. Jack grabbed three of the containers to put in his jacket pocket before giving two to Tinsel to hold. They both took off to the one place that didn't have enough color. 

There were nightmares that listened to Jack more than they did Pitch. He didn't understand why though but they did. They stayed on his side, listened to his orders, were loyal to him rather than Pitch now. He used them to hide in the shadows of the liar. He walked slowly as he tried to find where Pitch would be. 

He held his breath as he saw Pitch reading with Emily in the library. He smiled, Pitch wasn't reading. He was sleeping. A noise behind him made him jump as he turned around. Tinsel gasped quietly as Seraphina stepped out with a raised eyebrow. 

"What are you doing, Jack?" She whispered. The little elf in the hoodie smiled at her before putting a finger over his lips in a quite motion. Jack stared at her with a blank face for a while before a smile covered his lips. 

"I'll sneak you some of North's vodka and Bunny's chocolates if you help me with this glitter prank." Sera blinked. She looked down at his pockets before back up at the wicked look in his eyes. She slowly looked into the library to see her mother reading and her father asleep. She slowly looked back at him before reflecting his mischievous smile. 

"You have a deal." Jack smiled before telling the nightmares to take them to the kitchen. Sera took one container as he took the other. There was only one thing to do. Jack smiled at her before cracking open the top, taking a handful and just throwing it all over the room. She followed his idea as they covered the kitchen in glitter. 

They moved on to every other room. The sitting area, the hallways, the globe room, the guest bedrooms. There was only one room they didn't get as they stared at the doors. They looked at each other before glancing at Tinsel. 

"Should we do it?" Tinsel looked at the doors of the master bedroom. He looked at them before nodding. Might as well take the whole package deal. Jack used the shadows to go into their room. Sera looked around as pictures of the past and present sat on the side tables, her parents room actually looking like a room. 

"Just on the floors. Not the bed or anything else." Jack nodded at her words before they used the last of the glitter all over the floors. When they were done, they transported themselves out of the liar to the Burgess woods. All three of them looked at each other before laughing. The type of laughing that made you almost fall over. 

"It's-It's been a long time since I pranked my parents." Sera laughed with Jack as he just smiled at her. 

"Happy to please you with the chance. I gotta go, time for me to hide for the next two weeks." She started laughing again as Jack took off, the elf making a goodbye noise while waving his hand. She shook her head before looking back in the direction of the liar. 


Pitch's Prank: Dye

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now