Bad Hands

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*I've downloaded her spare chapters. These chapters will be emotions that she hasn't hit at much before. Please know these stem from EXTREMELY emotion topics in this world. There will be trigger warnings, if this subject can trigger anything for you PLEASE don't read it. She doesn't wish to bring anything hurtful to anyone. Scroll to the bottom to read the note I left considering other chapters. 

 If you relate to the situations, she's said for all of you to comment what ever you may need to say from yourself or to the character or even to her. Her words down below. 


So this is a chapter that may hit home to some and if it does I am truly sorry. There will be details to adult things but none to much. If you know what "Fade to Black" is then that's what I've done 

Tw: mentions of sexual assualt & sexual assault actions


Andy had been staring at the ceiling for a long time. His throat was thick to swallow through as he replayed what happened only an hour before. He knew she didn't mean it, he knew it wasn't her fault, but it made him want to scream. Not at her, but for her. He felt sick knowing someone had made her like this. 

He turned to his side as he looked at Crystal passed out beside him. She seemed to have blacked out into an emotional sleep. Her face was still puffy and red from crying but she looked at peace. He lost track of how many times he told her it was okay, that she did nothing wrong. He felt a need to get up and go ask Death to bring back the assholes who made her this way just so he could kill him with his own two hands. 

Andy reached out, brushing a piece of hair off her face before she moved closer to him in her sleep. He pulled her close as he stared out the window. His mind wandering off to the hour before now. 

The door hit the wall as he opened it in a rush, both of them laughing as if they had lost their minds. They had finally found their way to the room without being caught kissing like two teenagers in a high school hallway. Mother Nature had seen them sneak out but only shook her head with a smile that made them both giggle. 

"She's going to give you a long talking to about sneaking me out, Andy." He laughed at Crystal's teasing words before he pulled her closer, leaning down to her ear. The alcohol in his system making him sway back and forth.

"Jack scares me more." Crystal laughed loudly before they stopped laughing all together. She hadn't felt this happy about being touched in so long. She knew that tonight might be the night they go further than had before and it had her excited. She wanted to have this moment with Andy, she wanted to finally give him something to just for him. 

Andy wished they hadn't drank. He already had the feeling that tonight would be the night they finally moved forwards but he hadn't really gave it much more thought as they drank to celebrate Emily's birthday. The Pooka's personally made liquor was extremely dangerous as it tasted like normal fruit punch. 

They were laying down so close to being one when it happened. Crystal heard laughter from down the hall that was male, the trigger that caused it. Her mind got away from her as a memory played behind her eyes from before she was a spirit under Mother Nature, from when she was only 15. The reason that as an adult she thought being touched in a bad way would bring her happiness.

The door to her bedroom back then wasn't existent as they only had enough money to afford curtains to close the doors. She remembered always hearing loud male laughter from the living room. Her mother and aunt did the best they could for money even if it meant giving away their womanhood. She had never been allowed out of the room when the men were over up until she was 15. 

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