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A short wholesome chapter to celebrate New Years eve. 

We get insight to the siblings in our book. All of the siblings will be mention, past and present. Nick, Andy, and Jack are basically brothers so they'll be together as well. 

Scenes from "Jack's Past" in the first book comes back :) also, my mind apparently forgot I named Jack's mother Emily too. Did anyone catch that? Don't let that be confusion. 

Brother - Kodaline


When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes man no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word

"Come on, Nick! Loosen up!" Nick looked at Nat as she held up the pipe. It was weird seeing his little sister hold the smoke as they sat around the large bonfire. They had succeeded in the bandit job tonight. It was celebration time. 

"I am loosened up, I just don't like seeing you with that." Natasha rolled her eyes. They were only two years apart, him being nineteen now. She knew he had smoked when he was younger than her so that was a bit hypocritical. They had done a good job tonight!

"Oh come on, don't be a party pooper, Nicholas. We made a good success tonight. All of us deserve a party." He glared at one of his friends as he made everyone laugh. He sighed before settling down beside the fire. 

Someone had brought out the drinks. He watched as everyone got from the bottle, including him, but stopped as Nat grabbed the bottle. He wasn't quick enough to keep her from drinking but didn't find it himself to stop it. This was their lifestyle and he wanted her to have the most fun she could despite how bad this actually was. 

"A toast! We are the Kings and one Queen of Bandits!" There were loud cheers as everyone got excited. Nick wrapped an arm around Natasha's shoulder as they smiled at each other. 

"And a toast to the siblings that lead our group!" 

We've taken different paths

And travelled different roads

"I don't get why Ridley can't do it." 

"Because he is at training." 

"And I wasn't?" Aster didn't mean to raise his voice at his mother but it happened. He was stretched thin from Ares breaking him into his own training, trying to hide his relationship with Lily, and trying to keep up with secretly learning medicine from Charlie. 

"Aster, I know there's a lot on your plate. Ridley making his decision helps nothing. I know that but I need you to do this one thing for me, okay?" He nodded at his mother before turning away with no words. He didn't turn back when his mother called for him. 

He walked up to see his little brother playing around in the water. It made him smile to see the innocence in Liam. While Ridley was eighteen, he was fifteen, and Liam was seven. He wasn't planned but was wanted either way. He was asked to watch Liam while his mother went off with the women to gather supplies. 

"HEY, ASTER!" He grunted as Liam knocked them both down to the ground in excitement. The little one was ranting, talking to fast to be understood as Aster sat up. He laughed as Liam bounced off of him to run in circles around him. His little brother had to much energy for his own good when he ate sugar. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now