A Drunk Exchange

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I was iffy on this idea for a whileeeee but I realized that it may be something everyone would like. I like the idea of it so I finished it up and re wrote it. The little prompt of the moment between Archie, Jack, and Callahan was just a small idea but now I've made it into a chapter.  

(no things did not go as far as you may think it did.) that's all I'll say on that :)

there is a lot of cussing in this chapter just a fair warning. 

I hope you guys like this as much as I liked writing it.


Jack sat on the roof of Mother Nature's castle as he looked into the night sky. Manny wasn't present and for once, Jack was very happy for it. He twirled the pendant that held Roy in his hands so the man wouldn't be able to get into his head. It had been off all night. He needed this moment truly alone. He needed to think about what happened and how he felt. 

He looked down at the piece of glass he held to look at himself. He groaned at the sight before throwing it down. He put his hands over his face before leaning against the roof. 

Jack Frost was hung over. Extremely. 

And something happened he'd never done before if the purple marks on his neck had anything to say about it.


Jack slowly put the pendant back around his neck and was glad when the man's voice didn't immediately speak. His head was still pounding along with slowly remembering everything. He pinched the bridge of his nose while taking deep breaths to control the nauseating feelings. 

"Congrats. Now you get to do the walk of shame home like a true teenager from a night out drinking with friends. I'd find a place to shower first though, you reek of hormones from a good make-out session. 

Jack groaned louder into his hands before knocking his head against the roof. 

He slowly stood up before letting the wind carry him to the window. He looked into Andy's room to see everyone still passed out around the floor. He looked over to the place he had woken up from to see the pillow he had been using now taken from the person he found himself wrapped around. 


Who had matching purple marks. Except his shirt was off and he had more than Jack did.

"Shit. Just shit." He whispered before taking off. He got maybe 10 miles away before finally throwing up. He groaned as he leaned his head against the bark of the tree he was holding himself up on. 

"Please tell me I didn't go to far." He hoped Roy knew what he was talking about. 

"No, you didn't go there. Like I said. You and him had a good enough make-out that you both left some heavy marks. I think you showed the boy stars with how he went into a daze. You must have some serious talent to make a boy with that much pride go submissive.

"Please god don't ever describe how I kiss again." 

"I find your embarrassment to be hilarious."

Jack groaned again before knocking his head against the tree. He didn't realize he had done it three times... He tensed when he heard a hole open up behind him. He waited for the talk, for his Dad's voice to take up the quiet space in yelling about Archie's sent he carried. But there was nothing. He took a deep breath before slowly turning to see who had come. 

"Your father is dead asleep from working in the gardens, want to explain it to me now or later?" He groaned louder through the headache as he turned away from the raised eyebrow and smug smirk Ares carried while looking at him. It was at least a minute before he felt a paw on his shoulder as it pulled him back to lean on his grandfather. 

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