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hello everyone,

This is the writers friend updating off my phone. There has been an accident where she has been hurt. I know some of you are anxiously waiting for the next part and I'm going to text her now and ask if it's okay to post a vault chapter to fill the spaces while you wait. I know as a reader myself that it's annoying sometimes when an author disappears after saying they'll update which is why she is always making sure someone, whether it's herself or me, keeps all of you updated on what's going on.

If it's okay with her and there is a chapter written, I'll post it for you all today.

All I ask is that you don't give up on her. She loves writing for everyone that she can and almost every time I talk to her, she's writing something. Either this or the book she's working on along with her college work.

She'll be back as soon as the doctors say she can.

-unknown friend.

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