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It seems in my last chapter, TriangleButterfly , was one of the only ones who wanted a wholesome chapter before my angsty series. I asked for a request from them specifically. 

This chapter is going to be a wholesome, chapter with Jack, Archie, and the Bunnymund family. A part of it will be a little angsty because it brings up a moment of the way past but it turns back into wholesome. It will be told from Archie's point of view. 



"I need to spend more time with your family." Archie felt Jack tense under his hand. He was laying on his side, a hand going through Jack's hair as they laid in his nest at the Warren. 

"You sleep here. That's spending time." He pressed his lips together to hide the smile. Jack was hesitant to let him be alone with the Bunnymund group even after all resentment and problems fell away. He knew this would be a part of getting to be Jack's first relationship, first real anything. 

"It is. But there should be more." He felt Jack fidget around before looking back down at his sketchbook. He looked at the drawing of Elliot in the flower field before going back to Jack's expression. He could see him getting his thoughts together, his eyes going back and forth across the page. 

"W-Why do you think there should be more? Has anyone made you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to leave? I can-" He quickly put a hand over Jack's mouth. They looked at each other as he watched the blue eyes he adored fill with overthinking and doubt. Another thing he knew would be a part of being with Jack Frost. He fought with his thoughts on a daily. 

"I never meant or said that. I just simply mean that getting to know your family is a part of something I want to do. They mean the world to you. I'd like to be more in the know with them. I want to be accepted in more." He took his hand off of Jack's mouth before leaning against the side of the nest again. He watched Jack take in his words. 

"You...You want to be a part of my family." He held his breath for a quick second, Jack's eyes meeting his. He nodded. He watched Jack's eyes take him in. He waited. Jack was staring at him but no longer looking at him. He hoped this wouldn't scare him completely off. He knew asking questions like this would be a big risk. 

"That's a big thing. It's a big thing to be in this family, you understand that right? Getting into a Pooka relationship is a different type of thing." He nodded again. He had been speaking with Pitch about what it would take for him to fit in the Bunnymund family. 

"I know that. I also know that getting on Bunny's good side is something I've already done, mon amour.  I'm in the circle with Ridley and Liam. Ares still likes to test me but I think I'm closer to him now. The only ones left are Eleanor and Lily. I can do it, I want to do it." 

He watched Jack take in his words before moving out of the nest. He raised his eyebrow at Jack's frustrated face that he was making. Half of him was afraid that Jack was running away from the serious question but the other half of him knew something good may be about to happen.

"Where are you going, Jack?" He hid his smile behind his hand as Jack sent a glare in his direction. 

"There's a picnic this Friday. I'm going to ask Bunny if you can go." Archie waited until Jack fully left the room before letting his smile shine, throwing himself on his back to wait for the answer. 



"Hurry up, Spring fairy." Archie rolled his eyes behind Ridley's back. If anyone else called him that, he would already be in an argument with them but he knew this was in a wholesome way. It was along the same lines of Bunny calling Jack "Frostbite" sometimes. It was something just between them. 

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