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Jack give Lily his hoodie to wash instead of him doing it, leading to her actually seeing all his scars he has from the past. It makes her angry. He tells her not to do anything rash or let her instincts take over because it's all in the past. What happens when she slips up by letting that happen?  

What will be done to calm her down?

This is a request from Christopher914 mixed with requests of Lily and Jack bonding moments. 


Jack softly glared at the little blonde kit who just giggled behind her paw. He looked down at the mud all over his hoodie that she had thrown at him. He had just cleaned it last week in the Spring but now he didn't have time to just let it sit in the water and then him dry it, this would need deep cleaning. 

"You, little miss, are a wicked creature." She giggled again before running off. He shook his head before taking to the air. He had to find Lily so she could do the fast cleaning he had seen her do before. This was going to make him late and he had said he would try not to be late to the meetings anymore. 

Lily looked up and just blinked at her mud covered son. She watched him land before looking at her then his hoodie then her again. She coughed to hide her laugh but it obviously failed as he glared at her. 

"Need a wash?" He just let out a grunt before taking his hoodie off. He turned around at the sound of all the kits laughing as he handed it out. It was then that Lily turned to grab it but stopped. She had never seen his scars up close before but now she was. There were so many. It was easy to tell which ones were accidents and which ones were given to him. 

A burst of anger went through her when she saw burns. It was obvious where those came from. She winced when she saw something that looked like a knife cut. That made her instincts go wild. She wanted to hunt down everyone who had done something to him. 

Jack turned his head around to find Lily staring at his back. He tensed up realizing he didn't think before taking off his hoodie. He was so used to just taking it off to give to Bunny to wash that he forgot to think about Lily's reaction. 

"What happened?" Her voice was low and dangerous. He just smiled when she met his eyes. 

"Three hundred years without protection takes a toll on someone. It's all in the past though so it's nothing to worry abo-"

"Yes it is!" He flinched a little at her outburst. He had never seen her this mad about something before but he saw the way her pupils dilated. 

"When a mother gets protective of her kit, she turns into a different person." Jack looked at Bunny with a frown. 

"Like you do? They went on the edge of feral when seeing a kit hurt or scarred?" Bunny nodded before working back on his egg. He drew a design before finishing his words. 

"One sign is the way their eyes change. They'll get protective in a way that's downright terrifying in it's own way. My mother one day saw my hurt from a play fight that went to far and used her Chief's wife status to punish the other kits. They didn't come around me for months because they were afraid of what she would do." 

Jack frowned before playing with the sleeve of his shirt. 

"I don't want that if you ever get that instinct since it's only us. I don't want people to be afraid of me." 

Lily snapped out of it long enough to see the way Jack was just looking at her. He slowly shook his head before fully turning to her. 

"I don't want you to snap at anyone for it. It's all in the past now. Please don't do anything that involves your instincts taking control over you." Lily took in a deep breath before looking down at the hoodie. She nodded, trying to control her mind. 

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