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A request from Moondragonice . With still being tired from the nightmares and losing two of his friends, Jack starts struggling with a past problem. He's trying to hide it better this time but he can't hide it forever. He doesn't want the others to worry about him anymore. 

Two unlikely friends help him get back on track, one that we finally see a little more into. I am going to be adding nicknames for Jack from each character

( yes they will be in different languages. I've realized I never really have put a location to my people other than Mother Nature's castle. They had to come from somewhere right? )

TW: eating disorder {talked about in detail}


Jack was staring at the plate. He had eaten some of portion Bunny had made for him but could feel it settling like a rock. It wouldn't stay down forever. His body was still weak from the nightmares, he didn't understand how. Maybe it was the stress of them plus Manny's power that has made him so tired. He was hoping that this was just part of that, that he wasn't relapsing. He fed the elves underneath the table.  

"Jack? Are you listening?" He turned to Marcus shaking his head no. The other Seasonals had been sticking around him more than usual now. He knew it was because of the same reason Liam never relaxed or Ridley never went to far away. They were afraid for him. It only made sense. 

"The seasons need to be balanced. You have to go back to work, do you think you can?" He had been hiding how tired he was by putting a type of paste of sorts from the Warren under his eyes to hide the dark circles. It was like tooth past it was more of a makeup type deal, a powder. It worked wonders though. 

"Yeah I can. Bunny just needs to give me back my staff." He sent a glare to the Pooka in question who just looked at him. He had been trusted to fly around and leave the Warren like when he saved the dog but not to use his powers. Tooth had noticed her bracelet looked like the ice of a statue he had given her and told on him. 

"Aster, can he get his staff back? We really need the weather fixed. There's snow storms where they don't belong, heat in the wrong places, tornadoes in the wrong are-"

"Stop. I was going to give it back today anyways." Bunny pulled the staff from the holder he had on his back in between the boomerangs. He held it out to Jack and watched as the ice spread on it once he grabbed it. He was nervous to let Jack go off and use his powers but knew it had to happen at some point. 

Jack stood up as he smiled, walking past everyone before flying out the window. The wind wrapped around him in a hug as he flew. He swallowed down the feeling of the food for now, he had to get far away before throwing up.

Bunny watched him go. There was only him and Marcus in the room right now so he didn't have anyone else to watch him go. Jack didn't say goodbye which wasn't unusual it was just something he now wished his son did. Almost losing him to the darkness was hard. 

Marcus watched him go. He chewed on his nails as the blue speck disappeared in the sky. He knew that their friendship wasn't as strong as anyone else but there was a hole where Derek and Mary had left. He shifted in his seat before looking back down at the book he was borrowing from North's stash. His eyes caught something as he looked up to see one of the elves eating the bread rolls Jack was supposed to eat. A stone settled inside of him as he remembered a conversation with Crystal. 

"So why are you picking more berries than we need? Mother only said we need two baskets, you're doing another one?" Crystal picked more as she glanced back at him. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now