Happy New Year

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Happy New Year everyone! I am not ashamed to say that I am very drunk so I will write this to my very best ability with the help of a friend editing spelling mistakes for me!

This year has been FULL of ups and downs for me and for the world. I hope that even though many moments were terrible that many of you had a wonderful time. 

I hope that many of you readers are still here because hopefully (if my mental health persists) that this year will be full of updates. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I will need some requests though. 

I know that I currently have a new and very active reader KateBishopIsBea and I know that there are many more here recently, I hope that you others enjoy this story. Kate has commented all over my first book and now this one over the past few days. Their comments make my day not going to lie. I hope they continue to love this book. 

I want ALL of you to comment something that you want to see for this story right here -->

This is my Happy New Year right before I go to sleep as I have seemed to have drank way to much. 


-Unknown Author (with the help of friend)

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