Sick Moments

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A collection of many times Jack has gotten sick around someone. It shows the special way each person takes care of him, this is before and after the Fade happened. 



"That didn't sound good." Stray said in a low tone as he ran his fingers through Jack's hair. They were sitting around in Seraphina's fields for an off day. Jack was laying beside him with a cough. He hadn't really paid attention to the boy's cough until now. It didn't sound good at all. He put a hand on Jack's shoulder as he rolled over. The boy was asleep after having so long of a work day.

"What didn't sound good?" Noah sat beside him as he took his hand. He frowned at the sight of Jack curled up beside Stray. His head was leaned against Stray's leg as his hand ran through the white hair.

"He's coughing in his sleep, it doesn't sound good." As if Jack heard him, another cough went through him. Jack's body jerked with the force of the cough. Stray moved him to sit up a little bit more to breath better. He put a hand on his forehead to feel there was a cold sweat, literally. He looked at Noah who was now getting up.

"I'm going to get Seraphina."

She put a hand over Jack's to wake him up. It was obvious that he had a Seasonal cold. It was a time where every seasonal got flu like symptoms for at least three days. She has never helped Jack or seen him go through it because he never stuck around to let them help. She put a hand on his forehead before slowly waking him up. He groaned before looking at her with cloudy eyes.

"Jack? You need to get up."  He tried to turn over into the grass but she stopped him. He glared at her which she ignored. She remembered Bunny telling her that Jack could sometimes get grumpy when he felt sick.

" 'M fine right here." She laughed softly at the slurred words when he curled into the grass. She ran a hand over his hair before picking him up. There was a part of her that was sad at the fact he weighed so little she could pick him up easily. She took him inside to the living area of the palace before telling one of the sprites to get some of the hot tea. 

"You may be fine but I'm not leaving you out here coughing like this." She went to tell Stray to get Bunny but remembered Easter was coming very soon. He had no one to help him other than the yetis if North gave some of them like last year so she couldn't call him right now. 

Seraphina laid him down on one of the couches before running a hand over his face. She smiled when he looked at her. The tea was brought to them as she helped him drink some of it. He leaned into the couch after he finished while she sat watch over him, running a hand through his hair. He was grumbling and complain the whole time except to lean into the touch. 

"I don't wanna be here. I get sick alone, Seraphina." She let her thumb run across his cheek before tilting her head to look him in the eye better. Bunny's warning about his attitude was becoming ever more true every passing moment. It had been about three hours of him going in and out of sleep while she sat with him. 

"You're not alone anymore." He frowned before turning away from her. She dropped her hand before looking back at the doorway. He was becoming even more upset with whining and whimpering like he was looking for something that wasn't her. The way he was curling around his self and pushing away from her hand like a kit she knew who he was looking for. 

"Do you want me to get, Bunny?" He groaned before nodding. She turned back to Stray who was watching. He had been taking in the way Jack was getting more and more like a child as the hours went on. He had never seen Jack sick before so this was little nerve wracking. 

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