Past, Present, and Future

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A request from Meggiechan2000 . What if Jack from the past somehow comes to the future through a wish made? What would the Jack now say to his past self? What if Jack from the future shows up too? What would they all say to each other?

Also, I've made this chapter extremely cute and wholesome between Jack, Archie, and Elliot in the beginning...

There will be some French (google translate) since Archie has a French background.


Jack stared up at the ceiling as another sleepless night covered him. He couldn't get up to go walk around outside to settle his mind because of who was in his bed. He looked down at the mop of dirty blonde hair on his chest. Archie was laid out across his chest as if he were the blanket himself. He wished he could use his hand to rub the hair off his face but there was a kit laying on the other arm. 

Elliot had climbed in his bed from a nightmare about Jack. He had done it for almost a week now and they couldn't figure out what was going on. The kit could never remember what it was about, just that it included Jack and he was filled with fear. Archie slept here now more than his own home. He sighed before looking out the window to see the night sky filled with stars instead of Manny. The moon was hiding behind a sole cloud as if Manny was resting from the world.

He noticed a star that was a little brighter than all the rest and found himself remembering a story from a long time ago where his birth mother told him that the brightest star would grant all his wishes. He knew now that magic of course was real but in all this time he had never thought to ask if the story was real about the star. 

Jack looked back down as Archie moved around, his boyfriend moved around more in his sleep than he ever thought he would. He felt himself fill with a rare burst of peace and hope watching Archie stretch his arm across Jack's chest to place a hand on the back of Elliot's head, lightly petting him before settling again. He looked back at the sky.

A smile touched his lips from the sight of Denver waving at him before the other boy flew away. A trail of dream sand came from the window towards them. Before the sand fully took over, he looked out at the star and wondered what his past self would do if he saw him now. Did his future look like this? His eyes slipped closed as the dream sand took over. 

Jack didn't notice the star get just a little brighter after he thought the wishes through. 


"I'll be back on Friday afternoon." He watched Elliot's ears fall and was prepared for the tears.  The kit's dreams had been nightmares more than dreams lately and it wasn't even Pitch. He was terrified anytime Jack left now even for just a little while. Jack was even more thankful for Archie in this time than usual as the Spring spirit reached down, swooping up the kit. 

"It's just three days, mon petit monstre." Jack watched with a big smile as Elliot's tears turned into a squeal when Archie tossed him into the air. He knew the French endearment meant "my little monster". He had started calling Elliot that after the kit jumped on his head a few weeks ago, making him fall into the color river. 

"I'll stay here with him, mon amour." (my love) Jack nodded before turning away, he no longer had to say goodbyes to his parents because they knew he'd be back. It was Elliot he always had to reassure now. It didn't bother him but it worried him. Elliot didn't need to be codependent on him to live. 

He flew through the tunnel leading him to Greenland for the first place to spread snow. He had many locations to get through in 3 days. He never slept on these trips so that he could get everything done without needing to go back and forth home and back to keep everything together and season in balance. 

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