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An idea from Angie04005 . What if some of the Seasonals want to finish growing up? All of them are stuck in their young 20's which can be annoying to watch the world around them change without them. What if there are two Seasonals who ask Manny for a favor? 

{I know you suggested Jack for this but I think these two will give you the angst you're looking for ;) } 

Also, we get to see just how smart yet dumb Jack can be in this chapter. 


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Manny asked as he looked down on them. He was surprised to hear the request, it was something he could do because he had done it before for Mother Nature herself. He just didn't think it would be these two that ever asked to do something like this. 

"Yeah. We want a round of human life, just one. When we get to age of death you can do what you did with Seraphina and we just come back to now like nothing happened." The boy stared up at the sky hoping that Manny would do this for them. They wanted to do this. Seraphina had done it for one human life. She got to Earth and lived a full human life before Manny's spell brought her back to what she was now. 

"And what will you tell Jack?" The boy took a breath before he looked at the person next to him. He clenched his teeth before looking up. 

"He'll understand. I'm sure if he wasn't a Guardian he would ask for the same since he met Elliot." Manny looked at the spell book before back down at them. 

"Once I do this, you will have no choice but to live out a full human life from your current age on. I would highly suggest that you do as Sera did and cut ties with everyone from this world. The spell will fully set tomorrow at midnight so it will be at the party, you understand that?" 

They both nodded. They felt the moon light settling on them as they let the spell cover them.

Manny spoke to himself as he finished the spell, 

"I hope the two of you know what you're doing."


Today was Tooth's birthday as a large party was being thrown at the Pole.

Jack watched as Callahan was annoying Tooth every chance he got while she tried to be civil with everyone. He was still recovering from the nightmares as he rubbed his eyes, being tired all the time was sucking. He heard the person coming up and groaned. Three, two, on-

"Tooth told you that you could sit out the beginning of the party to rest, Jack." He turned to Bunny who was giving him a raised eyebrow. Lucky for him, his father hadn't been to pushy on the over bearing mode this time. He just shook his head before turning around to watch the party. 

He sighed as he leaned his head against Bunny's arm. He didn't want to miss any parties anymore despite there always being one each year. He had never missed a party other than the ones had during the Fade. He watched everyone walk around happily and smiled. 

"Whatcha smiling at, Frostbite?" He looked up to find Marcus standing in front of him along with his other Seasonal friends. He heard a grunt come from Bunny before he laughed at him. 

"Oh come on, you haven't used that nickname for him in years. It's our turn to use it. Can we borrow him for a while?" He heard Bunny grumble something before shoving him lightly into them. They all laughed as Crystal and April walked beside him, the others following along. They all gathered near the snacks table as they would sneakily grab snacks when no one was looking. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now