Is This Love?

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Alright guys, this idea had the most comments so here you go. This may be one that is a little weird but it was a request that I got from my inbox that I've actually gotten before now. 

Remember that Liam is significantly younger than Aster and that I made him 18 years old I'm pretty sure is where I put him. I was hesitant to do this one because I wasn't sure how many of you would react but the more I saw the request message in my inbox, the more I liked the idea. 

I think you guys might like it? If you don't, let me know and I'll dismiss it. 

One of my favorite characters is returning :)

Remember that there is one new character that is seventeen...


It had been a rough ride, getting Jack to trust the Pooka's again. 

It had been weeks since he had returned to them and Liam had been stuck up his ass the whole time. They had visited believers, all of them to make up for the time missed with them. Most of their time was spent with the three that had saved him. He had Nicky and Alex with him since Nicky's mom gave him permission to take the boy to hang out with Alex now. They were building a snow fort before Alex put a stop to it with a big smile. 

"Look." Jack looked to where the boy pointed to find Liam with his ears pinned back, an embarrassed look on his face while Thea was holding her stomach laughing. He watched Liam glare at her before shoving her into the snow. He raised an eyebrow at how she wrapped her foot around his ankle to make him fall too. 

"Are they...flirting?" Nicky tilted his head like a puppy to watch the exchange. He took in the way the Pooka's ears seemed to be red like the blush on his lighter skin. He watched Thea throw snow at him before the male threw some back. 

Jack leaned on his staff with a smirk as he watched Thea shoved a snow ball on Liam's face before Liam shoved her back into the snow pile, covering face in snow too. They were wrestling in the snow. He grinned. Oh boy this was interesting. 


One Week Later

"Excuse me, where have you been!" Jack put a hand over his mouth to hide his smile. Natasha had been snappy as her pregnancy went on. She was now at almost eight months with her belly big and her emotions wild. Liam was an hour late to the big party they were throwing for North's birthday. 

"I just lost track of time!" Jack looked him over before his eyes focused in on his wrist. He bit the inside of his cheek to stop the wide grin that wanted to cover his face. There was a charm bracelet on his wrist. One that he knew well considering Thea always wore it. The one with her name engraved on it from her grandmother.

The party went on as Jack watched Liam kept looking at the clock. He looked at the other clock to find that the time in Russia was getting close to sunset. It made him smile behind his hand before he watched Liam wave off Ridley who was curious of his actions as well. Liam was going to share a sunset with Thea. It was only a matter of time. 

Jack was so going to take credit for this. 

"Jack? Are you even listening to me?" He looked at Stray who was frowning at him. He nodded before focusing in on the spirit so he wouldn't get reprimanded again. He tapped the edge of his glass as he got into Stray's conversation again. The sight of seeing Liam take off out the corner of his eye made him finally take another sip of his drink to hide his smile. 

He felt someone step up beside him before Ridley was watching him. He met the older man's eyes with a tilt of his head to ask the question without words. 

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