I'm Not Sure

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*it's me guys, unknown writer is back! I'm still sick but I feel good enough now to get back to myself. I'm giving you guys two chapters today because of my absence.

A character that hasn't really been in the picture comes in. Remember, this book has no judgement so if this chapter may not be for you, wait till the next one comes out. There is no hate in this book to any new readers. This is one of my favorite chapters because lately I'm a real sucker for emotional, wholesome, love moments. Plus, we saw Jack get some love advice from the little Jack last chapter. 

for those who know teen wolf, there's a big reference here. 


"So we are basically stuck here." 

"Looks that way for now." 

"Great, stuck in here with a popsicle." 

Archie Fall, the leader of Spring, glared at Jack from across the room. They had come to Mother Nature's castle for a seasonal meeting when one of the sprites that had permeant residence here decided a jail spell would be a good prank. She chose Archie and Jack as her victims, waiting till they both walked into the little library type room before casting it. They were stuck. 

"Come on, Arch. It's not that bad. He's actually good company." Marcus, head of Summer, leaned against the door as he tried not to laugh. Jack sat in the window seat with a book he had brought in hand with no care in the world to what was happening. He had no problem with Jack anymore, the two of them actually becoming friends. He knew something about Archie no one else did. 

"I don't care. Find Seraphina and get us out of here." 

"I can't. She's away helping the Pooka's and Emily with a rogue nightmare crisis in the Southern hemisphere. She sent word back that the spell would wear off when the sun goes down, it's a simple one. You're going to have to stick it out by yourself though because me and Katie have work. Good luck!" 

Archie scoffed as Marcus sent him a wink. He turned to see Jack looking at him with an innocent look before he smiled at him. He watched the boy go back to reading and wanted to blame him for the prank but remembered the shock on his face when the sprite took off laughing. He laid down on the couch as he stared at the ceiling. 

It was quiet for the first thirty minutes. Archie had closed his eyes as he focused on the sounds of the book pages turning and the outside noises of nature. He would open his eyes to find that only a minute had passed before closing them again. It was only mid-day so sunset was a far time away.

"Am I really that bad?" He tensed at the small voice from the corner. He slowly looked over to find Jack looking at him with a blank face. He had seen this expression before, one that Jack used well, it hid what he really felt. It was the expression that showed Jack was willing to take anything he said. Archie looked back at the ceiling before clenching his jaw. He couldn't stand it. 

"No, you aren't. It's nothing towards you." Jack frowned before looking back at the pages of his book. He didn't understand why Archie was glaring at the clock or clenching his fist so much if he wasn't the problem. Jack wished there was a TV here so he could finish his show. He looked back at Archie with a smile as he finally found a description right. He looked like Isaac from the show that Pippa once showed him, Teen Wolf.

"Then why do you look so frustrated? Spring doesn't have any problems right now since it's technically your break week." Archie's eyes snapped to his as he looked surprised. He watched his friend open and close his mouth before the brown eyes focused on him. 

"You know my season schedule?" 

"Well, yeah. I know everyone's seasonal schedule. I memorized it so I would know where not to go if I didn't want to run into anyone. I did it during the bad seasonal crisis in the 1800's so I could check to make sure none of you had any troubles." 

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