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A chapter for our favorite Demon and Russian lady couple. You guys are gonna love this one ;) Sorry about not posting yesterday, classes were overwhelming during the morning. 



Natasha groaned as she threw down the piece of wood. Sam's birthday was on Thursday and she didn't know what to get her lover for his day. It wasn't necessary to get him anything, he had said that, but she wasn't just going to give him nothing. She put a hand on her forehead as a wave of dizziness hit her. 

"Nat, you've been up on your feet for the past 13 hours straight. Go rest before I get Sam here." She turned to glare at Emily who was just looking at her with a blank look. Everyone was here helping with Christmas preparations and she had been here since early this morning. She got done with everything she needed to for North and now had moved on to Sam. 

"I liked you better when you were glued to Pitch's side." Emily rolled her eyes before looking back at the girl. The russian was leaning against the table with a troubled look and she knew it was because of Sam's birthday. Every year since they had gotten together both of them would stress over birthday gifts for the other. It was funny to watch sometimes. 

"I can't, Jack is glued to his side right now. For good reason." Natasha pressed her lips together, yeah she heard about that. Sam nor her had a chance to catch Jack for a conversation since it all went down that he left the Warren. The boy wasn't speaking to anyone who agreed with Lily which made the whole day awkward for everyone once you realized North and Tooth did. 

"How's that going?" 

"..." Natasha frowned, looking to Emily who wasn't saying anything. She just gave her a sad smile before shaking her head. 

"I wish I could tell you but I don't know myself. Only Pitch knows right now. Jack's not speaking to me either." Nat let out a slow breath. Sam was right when he said he felt something bad was coming. She finally sat down in a chair as her feet thanked her, pain going through them. You know the relief pain after standing for long periods of time? 

"Sounds like Lily and Aster messed up big time." 

"No, I believe it was just Lily and the rest of the family. Aster seems to be distant to them right now as well. That's why I came here, the tension in that Globe room right now if suffocating." 

"Isn't Jack in there?" 

"Yup. And the Seasonals. Archie and the others look like they want to bolt out the window from the tension." Natasha laughed. It made sense that they felt awkward because it was after all their sleepovers that shit hit the fan. A line of sweat went over her forehead since she closed the windows. She needed to think and the cold was to comforting to think in. Her stomach felt weird from not eating. Damn she was going to be in trouble if he came in here and found out she was lacking today with herself.

"You know Sam doesn't care how little the gift is, he will love you all the same." 

"Will you stop giving Pitch gifts on his birthday?" Emily blinked at her before an evil smirk came on her face. She raised an eyebrow at her while backing away from the door. Natasha could feel the comment coming so she raised the other piece of craft wood. 

"I don't give him gifts, I give hi-" 

"OUT!" Emily's laughed carried through the door as she hid behind it from the piece of wood. Natasha curled up her nose before looking back at the desk. Her and Sam hadn't done much of that type of things. They had done it many times but not in a way that it was excessive. They never talked about it. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now