Three of Them

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I loved this request but I think I may suck at this one because I could only focus on writing more about one than the other. It'll make sense in the chapter. this chapter will have pictures! I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you hoped for it was actually kind of hard to write it all together. 

A request from 4804303757I . Something happens when Jack gets his staff taken as punishment. He gets mad and throws a snow globe, going to get away. Someone in the group picks up something they shouldn't and tries to bring Jack back before it's time...just not who they were looking for. 

Jack learns a little something from each new person he meets. Pitch becomes very concerned. 


"Who gave you the right!" Jack sneered in North's face. The russian swallowed as he looked into the dark blue eyes, so dark that it almost looked like the deepest part of the ocean. The room was cold. Not the "oh I need a sweater" cold, deep dark cold. He knew this was a risk but Jack had done to much this time.

North had caught Jack and his little crew of elves sneaking into the spell room to find something to prank Stray with. That room was completely off limits to everyone who didn't know what they were doing. Jack knew that. However, the boy had been acting out lately to everyone so North didn't know what his reasoning was. He did know that this was the only way to keep Jack here so Bunny could get here. 

"This was to far, Jackson! This is the only way I can keep you here until Aster gets here." Natasha tightened her grip on Sam's arm as she heard the whispers and fears coming from the necklace. The demons were afraid. They had every right to be afraid. Jack was terrifying in this state. She saw the way the ice was rising on Jack's ankles, the way his hands shook with restrained anger. 

"You are not. my .father." North held his breath as a growl came from Jack's chest. It almost sounded like when Aster was in battle or a different type of anger. Anger like Jack was feeling right now. 

"What the hell is going on?" Everyone turned to look at Bunny who arrived with the other Bunnymund's behind him. Jack's eyes turned to him and Bunny's body went tense. His fight or flight kicked in because Bunny knew his son was a force to be reckoned with. He quickly lowered himself down to Jack's level, making himself seem less intimidating. 

"Kit, breathe and tell me wha-." Jack scoffed before the room got even colder. 

"It's Jack. Because right now I am not your kit, I am Jack Frost, the Guardian of Fun. We are Guardians and you will take not to talk to me like a kit because right now we are equals because this is once again, to far." 

Bunny flinched but didn't show any other reaction. He heard Lily let out a pained gasp and saw out of the corner of his eye her ears fall but didn't let his reaction show outwardly. He was realizing now that they had forgotten Jack was a Guardian along side of them. He nodded before slowly walking forward, taking in the situation. North was holding Jack's staff in a way that showed possession. 

"We are gonna have a Guardian's meeting. right here, right now." Tooth was gripping her fingers before glancing at Sandy. The gold man was taking in the situation cautiously before he looked at Pitch. Phil had sounded the Northern Lights the minute North grabbed the staff. Sandy didn't move until Pitch did just like Tooth didn't move until Sandy did. 

Bunny walked closer before taking on his role. He stood taller while crossing his arms trying to show that he wasn't hurting from the way Jack was denying everything they had now. North had just screwed up so many things. 

"North. Explain why you have Jack's staff." Pitch took over as leader of the conversation. Tooth and Sandy were holding in to much of their own fear to speak and Bunny couldn't speak. He knew that. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now