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Hehe, let's bring in music themes shall we? This is a new writing style were I'll take songs and base the chapter off of it. If you guys like this type of writing, then it can fit with two requests I have from each of you. If you like it of course. Just let me know in the comments guys :)

 A couple that isn't talked about much and one I haven't gone much into, Natasha and Sam. Let's use an iconic song, Lover by Taylor Swift, to bring in extreme fluff about this couple no one thought would happen. 


We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?

Natasha smirked as she hung up the last strand of Christmas lights along the mantel of Sam's fireplace. He had upgraded to a cabin in the Scotland woods that magic helped him build. His place was comforting but it needed life in it. She refused to admit anything she felt doing this as she decorated the small home in Christmas decorations. 

Sam had gone to meet with North and Bunny about some magic disruption in another part of the world. They were probably going to find a way to twist it back around to his fault but it wouldn't make sense other than North being a prude about them hanging out so much. She felt like the world stopped when they were together. His stupid face made her feel...alive. 

"North said lights can't go over the fire place. He said it's one of the rules he told you." Natasha rolled her eyes before turning to find him leaning against the door way with his arms crossed. She turned back around before he could see that she was truly happy that he was back. 

"Well it's not his place so his rules don't count." He laughed and it made her suck in a deep breath. She wasn't supposed to be here not with how she was trying to ignore these feelings. 

"You do realize he hasn't seen you for two weeks?" That's when she finally turned to meet his eyes. Those brown eyes made her warm but his words made her freeze. 

"That's not true. It's only been a few days." She saw something go through his eyes before he looked at her in a different way than he had been. 

"It feels that way, doesn't it?" They stared at each other as they both tried to ignore the overwhelming need to be closer to each other. 

Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my lover



"No. It's to dangerous. You realize North is looking for a reason to hang me already, right? I don't need him killing me because his stubborn sister wouldn't sit out on fighting against a couple of dark woodland elves." 

"Well it's because you're gonna need help. Can I just go with you?" Sam clenched his teeth as he saw the look in her eye not changing. She was so stubborn. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue than North that made him feel like he was drowning. He had been drowning in her ever since he saw her. 

He knew what the feeling was, he had felt it all those years ago with his wife. He was falling for her and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He wanted her close at all times and it killed him. She would never feel the same about him, he was a demon. He was sure North had told her all the lies there could be about him. However, her stubborn need to go with him everywhere was making him believe otherwise. 

"Listen, idiot, I'm going with you or you're not going at all because...because I feel something for you so I'm not losing that. Now let's go since I just admitted something stupid." Sam's eyes widened as he watched her walk away with her own twin swords on her side, the long brown hair braided down her back. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now