Back Again

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THIS ONE HAS TW: self harm

A request from NovaRosalyn , Has Jack ever relapsed with his self harm? We know Bunny took his blades after Jack admitted to wanting help but everything has been downhill for a very long time. If so, did he stop himself, or did someone help him? it is a small chapter but there will be a bigger one soon like this Nova, don't worry. I wouldn't make your request this short.

(This chapter will be Bunny & Jack centered, don't know about y'all but I miss their moments. there will be more of their moments in upcoming chapters.)

This chapter may be triggering to some readers, so if self-harm is sensitive for you PLEASE skip to the next chapter now.

the next few chapters will be funny ones with angst in it of course but happy endings to them.


Bunny had a feeling. 

It wasn't good, it wasn't bad. He just had a feeling that was sitting on the back on his spine. He could only describe it as a saying Sam used whenever a long time had gone with only good things. 

"I'm just waiting on the other shoe to drop." 

Bunny didn't like that saying with him being the Guardian of Hope he had to keep himself hopeful for good things. However, lately with everything going on with Jack and everything around them the good isn't going well. 


That's what his feeling was centered around. His kit had been smiling and been the happiest he's been in a long time for a few weeks now with nothing going on. Bunny had watched him play with Elliot, Nicky, and Alex in the Warren just yesterday with all of them running around and playing while Thea and Liam were just having a little date. 

There was something he was missing with Jack. Something was going on he just couldn't pin where it wa-

"Dad? Are you okay?" He blinked at the sight of a hand waving back in forth in front of his face. He grabbed Jack's hand before lowering, seeing worry covering his kit's expression. He must've been zoned out. 

"I'm fine, kit. Let's just focus back on the meeting." He looked back at North who was giving information on a new batch of rogue nightmares in South America. He saw Jack looking at him from the corner of his eye but refused to look back. He knew Jack could read him better than anyone in the room, better than his own wife. 

"Bunny." He just shook his head. He heard Jack sigh before the boy settled beside him. They were sitting on the couch in the Globe Room as North talked. Tooth and Sandy were settled near the fireplace and Pitch was in one of the separate chairs. It was a meeting where it was only the original Guardians. 

"But how? How do they keep showing up?" Jack's question rang loud in Bunny's head for some reason. It was a very good question, how were rogues still showing up even with Pitch controlling the sand?

"I can't control all of the nightmare sand anymore, Jack. I'm no longer the full King since I fought against the hold they had over me. The sand can make more of itself as it pleases. Remember, it's nightmares. It's fear." 

The meeting went on after that with different subjects but Bunny wasn't paying attention. He didn't even care for the rogues problem. Something was itching his brain and he couldn't figure it out. 

"Well, as much as I just love these meetings, I have a job to do." He watched Jack get up with a cocky smile as he picked at North with sarcasm. He watched his kit go towards the window and meet up with Callahan since they were both heading to see some of Jack's believers as well. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now