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An idea from NovaRosalyn . Jack keeps saving baby animals along with getting hurt each and every time. The others that came back can't figure out why other than Liam. What happens when one accident makes it to where Jack has no choice but to explain? 


"Does anyone know why Jack is late?" Bunny threw his hands up before glaring at Ridley. 

"I've told you a thousand times, Jack runs on his own time during his winter season. You can't rush that." Ridley huffed before laying back down. They couldn't eat until Jack got here as Eleanor had said. He turned his face into the ground as he didn't care he was acting like a kit. He was hungry. 

"You are acting so childish and I'm the youngest one." He glared at Liam. 

"Oh yeah? At least I'm not the one who still needs someone to sharpen his own weapons, you still get Bunny or Dad to do it." 

"At least I'm not the one who pouts when Jack gives someone else more attention than you." 

"You are such an ass." 

"At least I'm not a bit-" 

"BOYS!" They winced at Eleanor's snap. She had walked up just in time to stop them before the insults got worse. She gave a soft glare at Bunny who had a smirk on his face before it was gone at her arrival. She shook her head before helping Lily place all the food down. She hadn't told Ridley that she planned to eat this time instead of waiting. 

"Quit pouting and fix your food, Ridley. Jack said not to wait on him this time." Bunny shook his head as Liam and Ridley jumped towards the food. He walked calmly to the table as they all sat down to eat. He frowned at the empty seat beside him as he had to remind himself winter season was needed. 

It wasn't until after dinner that Ridley's ear twitched. He frowned at a copper smell that filled his sense. Blood. He heard Bunny cry out Jack's name before turning around to see him drop to the ground in pain. They all rushed over to see his hoodie torn with claw marks over his back. 

"Jesus Jack, again?" He was shocked. Jack kept doing this all the time despite what any of them said. He watched Bunny sit him up before moving his bangs out of the way. He frowned at the way Liam and Bunny just smiled at him before helping him stand, why didn't they ever scold him? 

"What was it this time?" Jack huffed before leaning his head on Bunny's shoulder wincing as Liam felt along the scratches. 

"S-snow leopard. The baby was on the edge, I couldn't just let it sit there alone. I know they a-are used to the cliffs but I couldn't stand it." He was low on breathing at the pain but tried to explain. He glanced up at the disapproving look on the others face that made himself flinch. They didn't understand. Would anyone ever understand? He felt a paw on his face that made him look up at Bunny. 

"It's alright, kit. Liam told me. Let's get you cleaned up." He leaned his head on his Dad's shoulder as he was picked up. He knew that Liam got what he did just a little bit and was happy he had explained it to Bunny. He couldn't help but feel sad at the way the others were looking at him in a disapproving way. 

"You ever look at him like that again and I'll show you that it doesn't matter if someone else cleans my weapons, I still know how to fight from our father just like you do." He looked at Bunny when Liam's words to Ridley went through the air. His father just looked back at them before continuing his way towards the house. It was then he let himself pass out.


Ridley had snuck into the burrow while Bunny had gone to the fields. He watched as Jack was reading while the gauze was wrapped around him to press on his back. He hadn't spoken yet but he knew that the boy knew he was there. No one was allowed near Jack while he was on pain meds, it was one of Aster's rules. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now