Nightmare Sleep

349 11 15

This chapter is centered around Callahan and Jack. Also a new friend comes in of Jack's that no one knows about. Their appearance will only be rare unless they are liked...


One Week Ago

"This is beginning to become anno-" North's sentence was cut off as he cut his sword through another rogue nightmare. They had all been vising Mother Nature when they attacked from the woods. It was a large group of them. The more good ones Pitch and Emily created together, the more some of the old one's went rogue. It was very annoying. 

He was trying to get Natasha and Sam to leave but no, his sister had to gain his stubbornness and was fighting along side of them with her own swords. He looked to see Jack fighting with the other Seasonals which brought him peace. Jack usually fought with Bunny who would watch his back when he couldn't but the Pooka wasn't here. They weren't able to get a message out to the Pooka's fast enough before the fighting started. 

He was able to see Sandy, Pitch, Denver, and Callahan spread out to fight the other. All the sprites and other Seasonals who couldn't fight or had no reason to had gone into the castle with Seraphina. She could fight but Pitch didn't want her near the sand. He went back to fight more roughly. Everyone was fin-

"DENVER!" He quickly turned to see a nightmare had knocked down the sand boy. He felt dread cover him as it prepared to attack him, the attack that would take him over with the nightmare sand just like it did Jack. He saw Denver take a look at Callahan before closing his eyes to prepare for it. No one could've moved fast enough to stop him...

No one could move fast enough to stop Callahan from taking the hit as the sand covered his back. No one was prepared to watch all of the mares leave the scene right after. This was their plan, to take someone down. 

North felt his own heart break at the loud agonizing scream that came from Denver as Callahan's body fell on to him. 


3 Days Later

"Denver? You have to get up. You have to eat somethi-" 

"I'm not leaving...not again." 

Jack stood against the wall as he watched Sam try to get Denver to leave Callahan's side. The fairy was in a coma for a week now. He looked to the IV placed in his arm for fluids, Natasha's idea, the moonlight could only do so much. He watched Denver run his fingers through his long, oily hair from not being cared for. He hadn't left Callahan's side. 

"Please leave." Sam sighed as he turned to Jack. The boy just looked at him. Sam looked between the two trying to decide who looked worse. It was a hard choice, Denver looked like hell and Jack looked sick. He knew the window was open for Jack to get the wind and cold but other than that he hadn't left. They were both just in here with Callahan. 

Jack watched Denver stare at Callahan. He wasn't staying in here for the sake of Callahan, he was staying to make sure Denver didn't do something drastic like try to heal him with dream sand. They couldn't force the healing process with this. 

"Jack, could you please...I just need a few minutes. I won't do anything. Just-" 

"I'll be back." Denver waited to hear the door shut before looking at his face. Callahan's hair wasn't fresh anymore. It was oily and not kept. He wouldn't like it, he wouldn't like this. Denver stood up to grab a washcloth and a bowl of water. He had to wash it. Callahan never liked his hair dirty.

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