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*This is still the writer's friend. I responded to all the comments in the way she wanted me to. I know you guys are wondering when she'll be back and I can say it won't be until next week because she hasn't yet improved that much. Her therapist is working with her but I've been given permission to say that her relapse went along with her ED, depression, her anxiety, and certain thoughts that Jack's had before. 

She'll be okay soon though. Even though the states she's in has put her on a writer's block, she'll be back soon. Her words down below


This chapter will have a different language. It had google translate so I'm sorry if I mess it up. 

A request from Ilovetoreadandwrite . We finally get to see some of Jack's believers :)


A Random Monday

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee? Can we spend the day with you?" Jack sighed as Callahan was begging like a child in front of him. The fairy and Ridley were begging to spend the day with him. He rubbed a hand through his hair as the kit in his hoodie giggled. Elliot was spending the day with him as he planned to take the kit to see some certain believers that he had gotten to believe in the Pooka's. 

"Fine. But you're going to have to give me a few minutes when we get there to get them to believe in you." Callahan frowned as he heard that. What did Jack mean by that? He turned to Ridley who just shrugged at him. Jack sighed again before tapping his staff on the ground to open his own tunnel. 

"Let's go." They followed after the winter boy as the little kit squealed from the flight. They flew for a long time before Jack's tunnel ended with a big hole in the middle of what felt to be Alaska. Callahan shivered from the cold as his wings twitched. He looked as Jack pulled Elliot from his hoodie to find the little kit had boots on with a small jacket so he could handle the snow. 

They were in the backyard of a large cabin like house that was covered in toys. Ridley admired the beautiful scenery that was surrounding the yard but was interrupted by squeals. He turned to Cal who was just a startled as he was before looking over at Jack and Elliot. There were three kids running at them in warm clothes before they jumped on Jack. 

Two of them attached to Jack's legs while the other one jumped Elliot in a hug. Ridley couldn't catch what they were saying because they were talking to fast. All three of them stopped talking as they looked at him. Ridley froze as the little kids all ran at him, catching him off guard by tackling him like they tried to do Jack. 

"It's the giant rabbit! Jackie brought the rabbit people!" Callahan blinked as the three look a likes jumped Ridley to the ground with Elliot beside them. He turned to Jack who was leaning against his staff with a small smile. His blue eyes met his before he walked towards them. 

"Hey guys, I got something else for you." The three kids didn't get off Ridley instead they just turned to look at him. The little girl was petting his ears as the two boys were messing with his weapon holders. They all stopped while Jack leaned down with a bigger smile. He tilted his head while looking at the little girl. 

"Remember I showed you a picture of the Tooth Fairy, Penny?" Ridley felt her nod while she was still petting him. Ridley had never been pet by anyone let alone a child so this was all new to him. He didn't think he'd ever be seen. 

"Well, the Tooth Fairy has a brother who's named Callahan. He's here with us." All three of them let out a gasp before looking everywhere for him. Jack snapped his fingers to get their attention before pointing in Callahan's direction. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now