She's Hurt, He's Hurt

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Angie04005 don't worry, I saw your request! It's this request you gave that actually started my whole idea of this storyline. Thank you for that :)

Jack does have a bond with Seraphina more than the other Seasonals do since her power helped bring him back to life. We've seen Jack get hurt many times but...Have we ever seen Sera get hurt? 

I'm bring the angsty chapters back :) This chapter will be the beginning of the angsty series I've been talking about. 


Monday: The Warren

"Something is going to go wrong today." Ares tensed at Jack's blunt voice. The boy had been spending more time around him since they had their talk a few days ago. He took in the way Jack was staring off, lost in his mind. He was expecting Jack to be filled with happiness today considering two days ago Archie was finally allowed into the family, officially, but here he was blank faced. 

Something was different.

"What makes you think something is going to go wrong?" It was a solid minute before Jack finally turned to him. There was no emotion there. That's how Ares knew whatever was going through Jack's mind was stronger than his need to feel anything. He could see that a small trail of ice was forming along the boy's staff as a warning that his blank face was useless.

"I just have a feeling." Ares tapped his fingers along the paintbrush he held before placing the tools down. He stood up, reaching a hand out towards Jack to get him up too. He didn't usually do this but Jack needed to get things off his mind. 

"Race you, kit." He watched Jack slowly smile before he hovered beside him. He only gave the boy a second before he took off running at top speed. He felt the boy following right behind him as they headed to the barriers of the Warren. 

He had to get Jack's mind out of the funk it had been in. He knew from Bunny that Jack would get like this after something very emotional happened, preparing himself for something to go wrong. He wasn't expecting anything to go wrong as they ran. It was just Jack's mind playing tricks on him.

He knew that Archie had a nightmare recently. One that shook him and Jack together. Maybe this had something to do with it. 


Mother Nature's Fields

Death pressed his lips together to hide the smile that wanted to cover his face as he watched Seraphina argue with one of the Seasonal spirits of Spring. He never liked to compare their heights because it made him angry but she was 5'7 to his 6'7 height. Watching her get angry was like watching a kitten hiss. He knew her power made up for her height difference. 

"That argument is going to last for a while." He nodded, Pitch stood next to him as they both watched Emily walk up to her daughter to calm her down. He never thought he'd end up dating The Nightmare King's daughter but, then again, he never thought his bestfriend would be an immortal teenager. 

"Is Emily like this?" He wondered if that was too much of a personal question but then another voice added to the mix. 

"No, she gets the dramatics from him." He laughed at Liam's voice echoing through the air to his right. 

"Watch it, boy. I used to clean up after your kit messes." Death laughed even more at Liam's disturbed face. He looked back over to find that Emily had managed to get Sera to calm down but now his girlfriend was looking at him. He knew he rarely laughed. He knew that he rarely smiled. Jack and Seraphina had changed that. 

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