I Should Go

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Everyone loves a good story about two people coming together to fix each other. Me and my friend talked this couple over and I realized it's a good one so I hope you guys like them. 

After all, I think we've all agreed she deserves the world...

I Should Go - Levi Kreis (I won't be putting the whole song this time.)


Here we are
Isn't it familiar
Haven't had someone to talk to
In such a long time
And it's strange
All we have in common

Crystal laughed at a joke Denver yelled out. They were all hanging out at the Pole for a dinner that was being put together by North. It was something the yetis did now, they were happy to finally be able to cook for people. She looked down at her cup to find it was empty again. She was drinking way to much of grape juice that the Pooka's made but it was very addicting especially with North's alcohol in it.  

"Need another one?" Andy held out a cup of grape juice. He had noticed her drink two in the past hour while he sat next to Jack. He noticed it because he had been drinking it too. Crystal smiled at him before taking the cup. 

"I see I'm not the only one addicted to this stuff." Andy laughed as he sat down beside her. She moved over a little to give him more room, not many people liked sitting real close to her. He took notice. He clenched his jaw before looking with a glare over at Nick. It was his fault that some people have been acting out more towards her. He loved his best friend but he knew when to admit the boy was an ass. 

"Tell me I'm not the only one tired of hearing Denver's jokes when he's drunk." Crystal laughed at his comment. He smiled, her laugh was something he didn't hear a lot. The buzz of the drink was running through him as they sat there talking. They kept talking through the night about anything and everything. 

They found out they had a lot in common. Their favorite drink, food, hobby. There was a lot they had in common. He felt something sitting with her that was more than a drinking buzz.

"Heyyy Crys, can I talk to y-you?" Andy was drunk but he wasn't drunk enough to fall for Peter's words. He looked at Crystal who had stopped the laughing he liked so much. He watched the light in her eyes die before she went to stand. No. He had heard the rumors that before Crystal listened to Jack and calmed her sex drive down, Peter would take her over at parties. Him and his friends.

"She's staying with me tonight, move along, P. Go find Ella or something." He saw Peter lift his chin before shaking his head no. Andy clenched his jaw before standing up in Peter's face. He saw the way the other boy tensed. He knew his eyes were glowing with the sign of his season, his control was down due to being drunk but even alcohol would stop him from making sure this didn't happen.

"I said, go. do. something. else." He heard his voice get deeper near the end. He hadn't stood up for a girl like this since Misty. He took pride in seeing fear go through Peter's eyes before the spring sprite stumbled away. He looked down at Crystal who's eyes were drooping in near black out. He frowned, if she did go with him she wouldn't remember anything he did to her. 

"Come on, Crystal. Let's get you to bed." He helped her up before picking her up, walking to his room. He wasn't going to leave her alone in the Pole. He walked by a table to grab a water bottle before leaving. The way Crystal's head laid on his neck made it known she wasn't in a good condition. The door to his room was cracked which made him glad he left it open. 

Crystal sighed when she felt herself being laid down. Who had her? She frowned when a soft touch was on her face. She slowly opened her eyes to find honey brown ones looking at her. Those weren't normal. Usually it was Peter who found her while drinking. She felt him move her hair again. A knot formed in her chest, he cared. 

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