Prologue III

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"Haha oh geez I didn't even notice thanks for looking out for me," Harrison says clearly embarrassed by the events taking place. Clearly, the events of the past still have an effect on him whether he wants to admit it or not. Harrison then quickly wipes the wetness from his cheek as Vikari and he enters their math class. Most of the school day goes on without a hitch, most of Harrison's classmates chose to ignore him preferring instead to steal the occasional glance and mutter behind his back. It doesn't bother him anymore as he has gotten used to the rampant rumors that seem to follow him wherever he goes.

Though today there is an unusual hush around him as if they are all in on something he doesn't know. Not letting it bother him too much Harison continues to one of his last classes of the day. Chemistry is a class that loads him up with work and stress yet he still loves it. Predictably with this class one of the first things he does before it starts is gather his homework from last night before turning it in. When he is going through his backpack taking out the work he had gathered from his desk he notices a piece of paper that wasn't supposed to be with the rest. A sketched out an image of Saber Alter, or Salter as he called her, from Fate. He smiles at the sketch reminiscing on the hundreds of primos he had to spend for literally a png of this character.

 He smiles at the sketch reminiscing on the hundreds of primos he had to spend for literally a png of this character

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(FGO card art)

"Did you draw that?" Harrison hears a voice ask from behind him. As he looks over, he sees a girl with shoulder-length brown hair, Haleigh the girl that sits next to him. "Yeah though it was not supposed to accompany me to school today," Harrison says as he quickly folds the piece of art and shoves it into his pocket. "Well I for one think it was quite good," Haleigh says as she takes the homework Harrison had gotten out of his backpack, turning in both of their assignments.

About 15 minutes later Harrison receives a text message from one of his best friends, Garner. "Hey, have you heard what John has been saying recently," the text reads. To this, confusion evident on Harrison's face by his now scrunched eyebrows, Harrison responds "Do I even want to know." A quick response comes in as Harrison begins to read the small wall of text, "He has been telling people all over the school that he was going to meet-" is all Harrison manages to read. That is before his Chemistry teacher interrupts stating, "Mr.Righter are you present, or is your cellphone more important?" Harrison just nods conceding without much of a fight, as he respects his teacher a lot and she is probably right he really should be paying attention not listening to whatever John has to say about him.

Harrison's terrible memory immediately eliminates any remaining thoughts on the message he received from Garner. As chemistry ends and he begins making his way to his last class of the day Contemporary History, taught by one of his favorite teachers. However, after a class as mentally taxing as Chemistry Harrison's mind begins to wander as it tends to do. Thinking of what he will cook for dinner when he gets home or his newest inspiration for an art piece. Laughing to himself at that idea, "Heroic spirits taking high school classes would be funny," he says to himself. He is so in his own head that he doesn't notice, everyone is whispering and muttering to themselves as soon as he enters the room.

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