Chapter LV: Aftermath

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As soon as the words of surrender were uttered the area shifted back to the training room Jalter and Harrison took advantage of earlier the other day. Jalter sheathed her swords and let out a long sigh before helping Francis to her feet. Harrison was amazed by how quickly what he thought was life or death shifted to sitcom-like almost. "You alright Harrison," he heard Luke say as a hand was outstretched towards him. Harrison grasped the helping hand that helped pull him to his feet. As he looked over to his left where Francis and Jalter were it seemed they were laughing and getting along well. "They are just two peas in a pod huh?" Luke said as he wrapped an arm around Harrison. "I guess so huh haha," Harrison let out a little awkward laugh as the tension melted off of him.

"You do have one crazy strong servant though, throwing a ship of that size out of the ocean, that's insane," Luke commented reminiscing about the previous events. "What are you talking about?" Harrison asked not remembering Jalter throwing any ships. "Do you not remember when we sunk the ship on top of you two, and then your servant pushed the boat from the bottom of the ocean up and out," Luke asked looking at Harrison seriously. Harrison's eyes went wide with understanding at that moment. "That wasn't my servant, that was me," he said with a flat expression for the most part. Luke let go of him as he doubled over in laughter catching the attention of the other two servants who limped over to the main group. Though the laughter was soon cut short as Luke straightened, "Wait you weren't joking were you?"

Harrison shook his head in the negative which only caused the heads of Francis and Luke to slowly turn to make eye contact the shock on their faces evident. Even for Luke who was a Magus of the association, a mage outputting anywhere near that would not have been heard of since the age of gods, and even then it was quite rare unless one was of divine nature. "Well uhh I believe me and Francis have to go now, enjoy your new command seal," Luke said as Francis and Luke started to back away hesitantly. At the mention, Harrison looked down at his hand. He should have 7 command seals, and low and behold all 7 seemed to be illuminating just fine on the back of his hand.

He looked back to Jalter with a pained smile as adrenaline faded from his system the pain in his muscles starting to return to him. Jalter only returned the awkward pained smile as she leaned against Harrison it was clear the last fight drained both of them pretty badly. Harrison rubbed the top of Jalter's head fluffing her hair a little bit as he closed his eyes slowly. When he reopened them he was back in his room, he and Jalter were in the exact same position as if they were just dropped into this room. As Harrison looked to the window for the next counter ready to prepare himself for another rough fight he saw something he wasn't expecting. "You've earned a break from the game master, enjoy your 24 hours off, however, be prepared to return for even more difficult fights," the message of blue flames read.

"Alright let me find out what Salter wants for dinner," Harrison said as he started off towards the room Salter claimed as her own. Despite his injuries and the notion of a break he didn't even for a second consider himself before the wants/needs of his partners (heroic spirits). He knocked on the door politely, "Salter it's me, Harrison, I'm back from the match, we won," he said with feigned enthusiasm his body exhausted from prior events. As he waited at the door for a moment Jalter took a seat on the couch sprawling out so Harrison was completely out of her view. Almost as soon as Harrison was out of Jalter's line of sight the door flashed open, and Harrison was yanked inside within a moment without making a sound.

Muffled groans of protest could be heard however as Harrison tried to speak despite the hand that was pressed over his mouth. The room was dark, really dark, not an ounce of light trickled into the room it seemed, as if it was its own separate dimension. Then before Harrison could start to panic a few candles sputtered to life illuminating the scene. Harrison was in a bedroom no doubt one that he recognized well, as he made it up. The scene was perfect in the way only a drawing or artistry could be. Half-melted candles adorned the dressers to either side of the bed perfectly centered in Harrison's vision. Not to mention the sakura petals and perfectly stilled snowflakes that were suspended in midair. However, the star of the show by far was the woman who remained barely covered in the sheets of the bed. As the Lancer saint graph of Artoria Pendragon Alter sat on her haunches pulled the sheets to cover only the fringes of her chest. It was a picture Harrison drew a few days ago with the little free time he had during his training period, though he lost it before he could finish it. He had chosen Lancer for the piece because of the events with Octavius as well as her enhanced features.

With a sigh he spoke up breaking the magic of the scene, internally he did want what was presented but he had an idea what this was about, and he couldn't feel more sorry. "Salter what are you doing," Harrison asked as he pushed himself to his feet. "Harrison I don't know what you are talking about I am only replicating what you desire as shown in your art," Salter rattled out puffing her chest out further. "Do you still have that piece of art," Harrison said as he took a seat next to Salter his face looking outwards away from her. "Yes, and on it, you have written I want, with this image exactly so... I wanted to give you what you want," Salter said her tone leaning towards a pout. Harrison let out a small laugh, "It wasn't finished I was going to add it to a portfolio I have, and it was going to say I want to have memories of your smile for eternity," he said disappointed his message got interpreted by Salter this way. Before she could speak up or say anything Harrison did continue, "Salter I don't know what's gotten into you recently but I want you to know you never have to do something you don't want to do for me, you don't have push yourself for something like this, alright. It would hurt me more than you'd ever know if I found out you did something solely for me, you are already helping me fight this war, that is infinitely more than enough," Harrison said slouching as his hands rested in his lap.

He heard the sheets of the bed fall with a floof before a crying Salter wrapped her arms around him. She didn't say anything, but she didn't need to, Harrison understood all the same, and he was sorry she felt the way she did. "It's okay Salter-" Harrison was interrupted by the feeling of Salter's soft plush lips pressed against his. Instantly a red flush burst across his face. It reminded him of the days he thought long past of when Salter used to tease him, the days he sadly thought he'd never get back. However, right then he felt the same electric feeling he had when Salter first messed with him. She looked at him with eyes that made it impossible to look away. Then just as unexpectedly as before Salter kissed him again passionately her tongue going on to explore the inside of Harrison's mouth. She pushed him down on the bed her hands pinning both of Harrison's arms above his head, despite himself Harrison still managed to ask the stupidest question, "But Salter didn't I say you didn't have to-" once again he was cut off as Salter kissed him silencing his complaints. "But I want to," she said in a voice that was somehow both innocent but led to something mysterious. 


Man is it getting hot in here because god damn. Anyways I hope you all are having a wonderful day and that you enjoyed this chapter, and with that, I bid you all farewell.

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