Stella's Call

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I am certainly nothing special or at least that's what I think. Well, I have plenty of personalities and other aspects but not your protagonist type. No, if I had to put a name to it, I would be a side character to pull the main character from an important meeting so that he is missing key information for an encounter later. Regardless yesterday one of my close friends Harrison who is more like a younger brother, I've known him since he was 8 and I was 18 at the time, I used to work for his uncle who took care of him when he was younger. "Call me as soon as you get the chance it is urgent," the message read. 

Actually speaking of yesterday things have been really weird since yesterday. When I woke up that morning I had these strange red markings on the back of my hand. One would think, that waking up to a tattoo you don't remember getting must be the weirdest thing to happen that day. Alas, I wish, no when I had finished getting ready for work, after trying to scrub the strange red markings from my hand until it felt like I would rip my skin off, I had exited into the kitchen where there was a strange, (but dare I say very attractive man) making tea in my kitchen. He had white hair that was slicked back, tan skin, he was quite well built, he also had these deep brown eyes, yet he was in these weird clothes a skin-tight black bodysuit with a red overcoat.

 He had white hair that was slicked back, tan skin, he was quite well built, he also had these deep brown eyes, yet he was in these weird clothes a skin-tight black bodysuit with a red overcoat

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After I had my, dare I say reasonable, freak out I found out his name was "Archer," a weird name indeed. He also told me a little about myself and the markings on my hand. To summarize I'm a magus, I know it's great just like in Harry Potter and stuff I always knew I was too good to be a muggle, and he is a familiar I summoned. So, of course, I took him to work with me with no further questions of this stranger who could have easily been a murderer or psychopath, but he's cute so you know slaaaaaaaaay am I right, turns out he is a fantastic cook which really helps with running the whole cafe/coffee shop business I got going on.

It was towards the tail end of work that day I received the text from Harrison. It was late when I received it so I am sure he must have sent it earlier it was just the spotty service in my area so I decided to call him early the next day. I don't need to keep that kid awake any later than he may already be, he really takes everything so seriously since his parents dipped on him, leaving him to his uncle. Sometimes I really feel bad for the kiddo, but he may have a better head on his shoulders than I do.

Yeah, that didn't go as planned I totally forgot about the message come the day after, thankfully I did tell Archer about it but he reminded me at the END OF THE DAY! That snarky familiar I thought I was his Master or whatever. Regardless I ended up calling Harrison at around 9:30 pm I know late but I wasn't going to wait another day when he seemed pretty serious.


Harrison got out of the seat very quickly apologizing as he very quickly ran out of earshot and towards the apartment building being careful not to let the call go to voice mail. "God damnit Stella don't tell me you were in danger earlier, I should have just approached you in the coffee shop," cursing to himself Harrison said finally making it far enough away he thought. He finally picked up the phone, "Stella are you okay, tell me everything is alright?" Harrison said not wasting a single second.

"I'm fine I'm fine sorry I didn't call you earlier, I just straight up forgot with work, and all you know how it is," Stella said in a casual tone. "Stella, I need you to listen to me very closely, was that Archer?" Harrison asked Stella with a certain seriousness that shocked her. "He probably said something about having amnesia and is a really good cook," Harrison said in almost a whisper. "Wait how do you know my familiar's name," Stella asks obliviously. Harrison silently curses to himself before he composes himself once again.

"Stella Archer is a good man, he may do things to piss you off slightly but at the end of the day he has your best interests in mind, and he will keep you safe at all costs," Harrison said mainly to reassure himself then Stella. "Why would any of tha-" Stella tries to ask before Harrison jumps back in with a harsh tone. "STELLA! This is not a game you are wrapped up in a very dangerous situation now, people are going to try and kill you with hordes of familiars similar to the one you have. I want you to tell me if you are ever in danger you will call me right, you are the closest thing I have to any semblance to family and I don't want you getting wrapped up in this mess okay." Stella takes a couple of deep breaths through her nose blowing the air out of her cheeks as the gravity of the situation sets on her.

"I promise H.R if I am in danger I will give you a call if possible," she says with a tone that indicates she understands his concern. "Thank you Stella, and one last thing try and be nice to Archer he has experienced loss beyond belief and he could use the support as much as you could right now," Harrison says with one final sigh. With their final goodbyes being said Harrison soon hangs up on Stella.


"What is with that kid Archer, I am 10 years older than him and he treats me like the kid," Stella says with a sigh to Archer who was sitting on the couch across from her with his arms crossed.

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