Chapter XXII: Wade

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Harrison pulls into the spot facing outward towards the beach the experiences of last night still fresh in his mind. It was now just him and Salter, Annabelle and Yor went to Annabelle's place together as it was more suitable for magus activity, to look into the servant problem in more depth. With a sigh, Harrison looks over to Salter in the passenger seat, "Are you going to tell me the training you have planned yet?" Salter laughs to herself with an evil sort of laugh that echoes throughout the car. "I told you I won't tell you until we are on the beech, it would be too easy to run away otherwise," she says after her unsettling cackle. 

Harrison unlocks the doors as he begins to step out, "Alrighty buddy let's not get too excited," he says with a small smile. Unlocking the trunk Harrison pulls out general equipment for a mission such as this, a bag holding towels sunscreen, and an umbrella, as well as a small cooler with their lunch and drinks. When Salter steps out of the car she takes a deep breath as she looks up at the clear sky, the sun not yet having reached its peak as it is still early in the morning. 

Harrison and Salter make their way down to the beach that is mostly empty still except for the few people out and about, another couple, a lone girl with her feet in the water, and a family of four are all spread out on the sands. After finding a good spot not too far away from the water but not close enough to get wrapped up in high tide Harrison begins to lay out their things. "Alright Righter, are you ready for the ultimate training regime," Salter says slinging a rhetorical question at Harrison. Harrison just nods as he continues about not really paying attention to Salter who is standing like a captain on a ship would, as she overlooks the sands.

"You struggle with control of your magic, whether it would be summoning it, or keeping it running for extended periods of time. So we are going to focus on strengthing your strengthing magic. Get it I made a pun hehe. Regardless, I need to get changed so I want you to focus on just getting your magic circuits stable while I do that." Salter commands before grabbing a small bag with her stuff and heading for the changing rooms a little ways away.

A couple of seconds too late when all that was said catches up to Harrison he says aloud to himself, "Wait that wasn't a pun." Regardless of Salter's grasp of jokes or puns for that matter, Harrison tries to follow her instructions and focus on his magic circuits. Imagining the invisible lines of magic that run across his skin, he tries to call upon them. It takes all of his focus to keep the circuits activated but he can feel the weight of his own body become non-existent as the strengthening magic takes hold.

Harrison is puled from his focus though as he hears a couple fighting off in the distance, "Would you let go of me," a harsh yet feminine voice says clearly in a struggle. "Oh come on it's only fair I do it once now, besides you can't refuse," a masculine and slimy voice replies. Harrison doesn't know why but this unsettles him to his core and he opens his eyes to try and discern the origin of these voices.

The new focus on his sight moves the strengthening magic from his muscles to his eyes, allowing him to quickly locate the two fighting in an ally way a little ways from the beach in between two tourist trap shops. It almost seemed that barely visible projections of their silhouettes were illuminated in a blueish outline. The man is someone as slimy as he sounds with shades that obscure his eyes, and a fedora atop his head, and keeping with obfuscation he is in a trench coat that seems to shift colors the more Harrison tries to figure out its real color. The girl he is with has long white hair, and her frame is surprisingly well-toned, which is clear to see in her red and black two-piece. Seeing things beginning to escalate Harrison begins to make his way there at a hurried pace.

"Last I checked people typically always have a choice in life," Harrison says as he grabs the man's hand as it reached for the girl's neck. "Yeah and who are you to get involved, oh I get it you want a piece of it as well," the man says with a sly smile. "I'll have you know I charge," he continues now getting up in Harrison's face. Harrison looks at the girl behind the man and she wears a face of unrelenting rage that cannot be acted upon by morals or the like stopping her. To those gazing at Harrison, he seems to grow in size and presence as he releases a trademark smile he stole from Salter, "Sir I'd really suggest you stop this nonsense at once, I would really hate to ruin a day out for all the people present,"  Harrison says making a slight threat. The man hesitates for a moment before his attitude and mannerisms shift altogether, "Oh, I see," the man utters before slinking off into the shadows, "be my guest."

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