Christmas Special (Non cannon)

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"2 DAYS SALTER!" Yor exclaimed as she dragged the poor servant through the packed mall. "I mean I don't even have an idea what to get him, gosh you think fighting back to back and those stary nights together would clue me in on something," Yor ranted to herself. "Why don't you just get him a sword," Salter answered nonchalantly. This gave Yor pause causing her to stop in her tracks as if she had suddenly struck a brick wall. "A-a sword... Okay, let us just suppose for a second that I could get one, what makes you think he would want one," Yor called into question Salter's line of thinking. Removing her scarf from Yor's grip Salter stood straight once again looking at the girl before her, "All men want a sword it's simple," she said in a monotone voice. "I-I cannot even be with you right now, I thought you would actually be of help but it appears I was mistaken. Do you even know anything about Christmas?" Yor rambled not really expecting a response from the servant trailing her.

"I actually do know quite a bit I'd say," Salter thought back to one of her many saint graphs. Yor turned to look at Salter with quite a disbelieving expression. "You mean to tell me you know about Christmas the King from Medival Europe," Yor mused as she walked into a bookstore. Salter nodded in the affirmative following after the panicked woman. "Excusing the fact I am preloaded with modern knowledge for the most part, yes even then I have had quite the Christmas experience," Salter said looking at the plushes in the children's section. "Yes, but do you know the story of Santa- Oh! Hey, do you think he would like the Mistborn series," Yor asked picking up a small and thick book similar to a pocket dictionary. "Never heard of it," Salter responded tilting her head to look more closely at the tome held before her. "Hmm I think he might be interested fantasy seems like his bag," Yor said before disappearing back into the science fiction section.

"Well Yor what do you think about Christmas?" Salter asked picking up a stuffed polar bear and giving a slight test squeeze, hopping back on her rear foot Yor accusatively point the book towards Salter. "Oh so now you think it is okay to put my knowledge into question, I'll have you know that I am most certainly an expert in the field," Yor countered with exaggerated movements of her arms almost as if she was drowning and didn't know how to swim. Salter nodded with a hmm tossing the stuffed animal at Yor. "Hey Salter what was that for?" she called after the servant. "It's for Annabelle I think she would like it," Salter said simply as she accompanied the grumbling Yor to the counter.

"TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR THAT- UGH SALTER IF YOU WEREN'T... AGH!" Yor seemed to be fuming as the two walked out of the small store. Salter smiled to herself enjoying the light mischief that she hoped was ultimately harmless. "So we are good to go now right," Salter said turning to the still fuming and grumbling Yor. "N-no we are not done yet," she said taking in deep breaths to compose herself. "I thought we only needed to get Righter something, Anabelle was just a plus," Salter asked tilting her head slightly in confusion. "Hehe an unneeded plus," Yor's eyebrow twitched, "Regardless no we are not done, I need to really go above and beyond this year one book isn't going to be enough," Yor began to take on her sarcasm again. Then a sly grin began to cross her face, "And you said you knew about Christmas."

Salter held up a finger, "Well I know enough to know that it isn't the presents that make it special but the fried chicken." Unable to form a response to that Yor stood there blinking for a long moment before moving past Salter and walking into the next potential store for Harrison. Now Yor knew Harrison fairly well, it was well enough to know what he liked and well enough to feel the pressure of getting something he would actually like, furthermore, she knew that he was a nerd put simply and thankfully there was a catch-all store in the mall. Selling things like Gunpla, Magic Cards, Pokemon, etc etc.

Once she entered the store she entered mission mode like a bloodhound she began methodically working her way across the many shelves and displays bypassing the front counter in its entirety. It was only a few moments before Salter followed her in, but Yor didn't pay her much head as she seemed to head straight for the front counter that was last on Yor's inspection and she wouldn't have her perfect order messed up by the horrible help that was Salter. 

"Wait... it no you look exactly like Artoria Pendragon," a voice filtered its way into Yor's ear as she picked up a small pin. Slowly her head creaked over like a doll in a horror film as her tunnel vision was lifted for a moment to see Salter talking with the woman at the counter. Salter was smiling awkwardly as the woman frantically took out things from displays and pointed excitedly. "Heh yeah I suppose I can see the resemblance," Salter laughed at the cashier who had pulled out yet another three hundred dollar statue where Artoria was the centerpiece. "Umm but you didn't answer my question," she tried to pull the conversation back on task. "Oh right, my bad... Oh and Ma'am I'll be right with you," the woman replied to Salter before turning to regard Yor briefly and then heading back into her conversation with Salter.

"Honestly if they like statues like this, I think cosplaying as the character might be better than a statute, I mean you already look so similar I'm sure they would go crazy for it," the woman answered Salter's question resting an elbow against the glass counter. Salter seemed to consider this for a moment before pointing to one of the figures still behind glass, "So if I dress like this you think that he'll like it," her gaze was fixed on a posed figure holding a large sack with a black cape and hat.

 Salter seemed to consider this for a moment before pointing to one of the figures still behind glass, "So if I dress like this you think that he'll like it," her gaze was fixed on a posed figure holding a large sack with a black cape and hat

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(the outfit and pose of the figure in question)

The woman behind the counter nodded encouragingly. Salter closed her eyes and began to focus on picking out the saint graph she was yet to search for. Then in a sudden flash, she fell to the ground leaning against a large sack. "Hi Master looks like I'm your present this year, would be good right?" she asked looking up at the woman behind the counter. Thankfully Yor was nearby as she leaped the counter catching the woman as she fainted on the spot from the spectacle of it all. She glared at the criminally cute Salter. "Well there goes this mall let's just go already," Yor replied after setting the woman down gently and leaping back over the counter.

 "Well there goes this mall let's just go already," Yor replied after setting the woman down gently and leaping back over the counter

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(How Salter fell)

"So do you think it's a good gift," Salter asked as she hurried to catch up to Yor still keeping her Santa look. "Sadly Salter, I do, I think it is more than that guy can handle," Yor responded giggling to herself as she lightly jabbed Salter in the shoulder. "Also why didn't you tell me you had a Santa outfit," she asked as the two walked off. "I told you I knew a lot about Christmas, and more so the fried chicken."

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