Chapter XXIII: Cringe

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Harrison's whole body flairs up with pain as lighting begins to channel around him striking the ground and turning the sand around him to glass. Harrison tries to let out a shrill scream, however, the pain steals the air right from his lungs as his entire respiratory system feels as though it has been lit aflame. Salter tries to reach out to help or do something, anything however the lighting and growing pressure bubble force her away only to look on from a distance. Harrison feels his skin being ripped as magic circuits from his body and magic circuits from the girl in his arms rearrange themselves to match up. Blood begins to coat his arms and chest as cuts open up all along his frame. The sounds of ripping flesh, and bone rubbing against bone echo through Harrison's skull. As he clenches his jaw in pain he tries to keep his tongue still knowing he may as well bite through it. The burst of lighting only gets worse as a glowing white light begins to emanate in the center where the ritual is occurring. Trying to keep himself conscious as the pain threatens to take him out entirely Harrison lets out a guttural yell finally finding his voice once again. After what seems like an eternity the ritual ends Harrison feels the unnoticeable pull from earlier in his gut dissipate along with the pain. As he looks down for the first time, his vision not clouded by panic or pain, he notices this was the girl he had "saved" earlier if you could call it that. "Oh.." Harrison mutters to himself as relief washes over him as her stabilized form began to breathe easy once again.

Salter sees the ritual end, as Harrison seems to normalize before he falls flat over the heroic spirit. Fearing for the worst she sprints off towards the two of them closing the distance in an instant moving so quickly it seemed there were two of her at the same time. Sliding next to Harrison, digging her heels into the ground creating a mountain of sand as she does so, she scrambles to lay Harrison on his back as she checks him worry plastered all over her face. Thankfully she can find his breathing chest and faint heartbeat sending reassuring waves through her body. "You are such an idiot, how many times do I have to tell you," Salter says letting her fist fall onto Harrison's chest not having the strength in her to hate him any longer. As her senses do return to her she notices the growing crowd around them.

"Come on you two it is time we go before we get any more unwelcome attention," Salter says scooping up one in each arm and carrying them as if they were both barrels not particularly caring for their comfort while they are unconscious. The crowd of people separates as she gets near before filling back in as she makes her way back towards Harrison's car. "Now how am I going to get you both in that car," Salter says to herself trying to ignore the crowd. "Yesh what did you and H.R do?" a questioning tone is loosed from behind Salter as Yor walks up from behind followed by Annabelle who seems to be concentrated on some sort of spell. Before Salter can turn to answer Yor continues, "I can see why you two were so late now, what did you two do to attract a crowd like this, thankfully we came looking for you guys."

In  a calm level tone not revealing the hecticness of the last 2 hours with the forming of a second contract Salter responds, "Harrison seems to have picked up another lost puppy." "Harrison has dogs?" Yor says trying to get a view of Harrison behind Salter presumably in the car. However, when she looks around she is only greeted by the sight of Harrison and a girl in a two-piece strung together in a heap behind Salter. "Salter by lost puppy do you mean that girl," Yor says tone stark with a conspiratorial finger pointing towards Harrison's newest heroic spirit. Before Salter can answer yet again she is interrupted this time by Annabelle. "And done, now all those people will simply think of what they expected to happen of today to have happened, so where is brother..." she starts before trailing off seeing the view Yor is also hung up on.

"Did you guys find another servant," Salter says trying to change the subject as she opens the door and begins setting Harrison up in the passenger seat. "No, we did not," Yor says plainly. "Yor is right it seems impossible to summon another heroic spirit meaning you either have to rely on trades, stealing through killing, or picking up disregarded servants to get another. Personally, I don't see that happening anytime soon," Annabelle picks up. Salter just nods in understanding. "So who is that girl," Yor asks having finally acted on her mounting curiosity.

"Oh that's Harrison's second servant-" Salter says before she is interrupted by the exclamation of both girls, "WHAT!?!!!?!" Yor then continues, "Y-you got to be kidding me there is no way how is it fair that he just s-stumbles upon one when we spend all day ugh. I'LL KILL HIM!" In a flash, the woman that was a heap on the ground is up with two swords drawn both millimeters from cutting into Yor's flesh. The woman had hair as white as Salter's and yellow eyes to match. Her skin was as pale as snow and flawless as a clear autumn sky. She wore a skimpy black and red bikini with interesting side peicies. And carried two Katanas on her waist and one on her back. Lastly, the look was finished with her singular red thigh-high sock she wore under her 4-inch heels. 

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The only thing that saved Yor was Salter's hand who currently held the girl's arms. "That is enough you are not nearly well enough to act like that," she says voice still calm as sweat drips down Yor's forehead. "She threatened our Master why did you save her you, cold-blooded knight..." she tries to retort before falling helplessly to the ground once again. Salter scoffs, "Dragon witch."

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