Chapter III: Contact

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Harrison bounded around the van with newfound strength coursing through his entire being. Before Chuck could even react to Harrison being in front of him, suddenly a fist was slammed squarely into Chuck's sternum sending a man who had easily 100 pounds (45 kg) on Harrison to the floor. Not wasting a moment Harrison snapped his head to where he felt a growing hostility, as he saw John, a cloaked figure, and his friend appear from around the corner smiles quickly leaving their faces.

Not giving them a second Harrison twisted on his heel like a cyclone as he threw his backpack with deadly force. However, before it could make contact it was swiftly cut in two by the hooded figure. "W-what was that," John said in disbelief gazing at Chuck who was on the ground clutching his chest, and the now two pieces of the backpack. That is when he saw Harrison's fist flying towards his face, Harrison wore a blank expression. A loud twang rang out. Harrison staggered backward as he felt as if he punched a brick wall, a gold and silver sword in the path his fist was previously taking. "Good job Saber, it seems things got out of hand, get it back under control," John ordered with little remorse as his composure returned to him. Although sweat was still evidently dripping down the side of his head.

The blue and silver figure came running at him, "Saber," he thought bracing himself for impact. The flurry of blows that followed in the next coming seconds was fierce, although it became more and more evident to Harrison after each blow that they were made with a deep sense of remorse. Saber didn't want to kill him, but she also wanted to win. Thwack! Harrison went flying backward as Sabers' sword slammed into the side of his skull. Regaining his focus Harrison realized any lapse in judgment and he would be dead, in fact, he was surprised he was still alive as is. "I have to just buy a little more time," he said to himself before going on the offensive. 

Harrison, through a seemingly endless stream of punches and kicks that were faster and stronger than any human John had seen muster before, certainly wasn't going to win the fight against Saber. She had him beat in strength and speed, but the fact that he was able to halt her advance scared John to his core. 

Right overhead strike

A simple step to the right followed up by a right hook.

Blocked as Saber twisted on their heel sending their sword careening into Harrison's arm.

"Okay sweep the legs then," Harrison thinks to himself as he sends his left foot outward and swings it along the ground tracing a semi-circle.

Saber jumps easily into the air as if it was as natural as breathing and throws her right leg out striking Harrison squarely in the ribs sending him flying into the van to his left. The force and momentum of the kick broke his ribs and sent him over the van as he hit it, rocking its suspension, before he finally landed with a thud on the rough tarmac.

Harrison lets out a grown as the strength and resilience he was feeling leaves his body the magical circuits returning to their dormant state as he sees Saber slowly walking up to him. "I command you as your Master, kill him Saber, end it all here," John screams from out of sight. The silver and gold blade shines brightly in the reflected sunlight as it is brought above Saber's head the point of which bores down towards Harison. Time grinds to a halt as a familiar and reassuring voice reaches his ear, "Too late."

Salter had swooped Harison up in an instant taking him 300ft (90 meters) away before laying him down gently. "You did a good job Master now let me take it from here," Salter says wiping the blood from Harisons mouth with a soft smile before turning back to the conflict at hand. As Salter stands back up craking her neck, between her hand red lighting begins to crackle around her as, black armor as dark as the void with red veins that seem to pulse with life begins to materialize on her frame. "This is going to be fun."

With an explosion of air and debris, Harrison saw the woman in armor dash off towards Saber. Sounds of metal clashing rang out throughout the parking lot as Salter clearly held the upper hand in speed, easily able to parry any strikes saber dished out, while still landing strikes of her own slowly chipping away at the armor Saber wore. John in a clear panic and not seeing any other options for winning made a break for the motionless Harrison, pulling a knife out as he ran. On the next swing, Saber took, instead of parrying Salter merely dodged out of the way of the attack, looking over her shoulder with a glare, before throwing her own sword which struck the floor right before John's next step. The two servants then jumped away from each other recovering their bracing and returning to neutral. 

As Saber was still recovering Salter seemed to teleport beside her whispering to her, "You're tired aren't you, yes your mana is almost drained, too bad your pathetic Master can't provide any more." Saber cut her off with a swing of her sword forcing Salter to jump backward. John in a mad panic raised his right hand to the sky once again expending his second of three command spells. "Unleash your noble phantasm SABER!" he called out the symbols on his hand glowing a bright red.

Salter allowed a small smile to play across her lips. Saber raised her sword behind her back golden energy coalescing around it. "That's the thing about command seals!" Salter began now having to shout over whirling winds, "When you resist your mana plummets but they can also be used to bolster a heroic spirit's power, yes that's right." The winds and golden energy were clearly reaching their climax as even Harrison could feel the pressure exuded by the coming attack. "Would Salter be able to survive," he thought to himself unable to hide his worries. "EXCALIBUR!" Saber shouted finally releasing her attack as she swung her sword horizontally launching a beam of golden light toward Salter. Salter smirks as the golden light engulfs her completely...

"Too bad, it won't be nearly enough," Salter muttered only audible to herself as black and red flames exploded outward from her completely engulfing everything within a mile (1.5 km) radius around herself. The flames totally engulf and absorb the attack from Saber. Harrison didn't feel anything in particular other than a familiar warmth as the flames settled on him. However, John and Saber were both on the floor clutching their chests. "This is true dread fueled by a Master's energy who isn't so pathetic to only maintain me," Salter says with a cackle as she drops both arms to her side, the ferocity of the flames only increasing until Saber is forcibly dematerialized. Once Salter sees this she dismisses the flames completely, walking back toward Harrison.

She only spares a glance at John who is still on the floor clearly lost in his own head as the flames of dread burn away at his mind. Salter then squats down so she is closer to eye level with Harrison. "We did it this time, didn't we? I'm so proud," she says with a soft smile as she ruffles Harrison's hair, the menacing aura from her completely gone, before picking him up easily and slinging him over her shoulder.

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