Chapter LXXXVI: Sunset

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It was Yoriichi and Uriel's turn next both of them the only ones unfazed by the events transpiring. There was a silent and mutual understanding of one another as the time neared ever so close. Just as Yoriichi reached the barrier it faded in spectacular fashion with a show of yellow and white sparkles that glistened nicely in contrast to the hellscape collapsing in beside them.

The next events happened within the span of half a second. The true Game Master revealed himself back to where Uriel had predicted wth her vision. Except he was now holding an unstable bonding of magic that would create a cataclysm strong enough to shatter any reality marble from the inside out, including the one they all found themselves within. In response to this, the two Grand Servants unleashed both of their true noble phantasms. 

First was Yoriichi who mid-sprint seemed to disappear together from the senses of all gathered. It was not a stealth-based skill, hiding his presence, no it was that he became so mundane with such a lack of emotion that anything living would pass right over him as if he was a plain river stone. "Chōshinsei," a simple phrase as he quickly took the position in front of Harrison. With a twist, Harrison was thrown into Salter as Yoriichi lowered his sword to his right hip. In a flash, his blade was ablaze with beautiful orange and red flames and in one sweeping motion, he split the very sky with the strength of the slash.  Everything in the line he slashed was cut cleanly in two, including the ball of mana and the demonic Game Master.

Now came Uriel's part. With one last silent prayer to herself, she thrust out her hand towards the Game Master and his bomb on the brink of rupturing. "I am the Guardian of the Pit, now I command those Gates OPEN!" Uriel exclaimed. Without a moment of delay, large iron gates appeared behind the Game Master who was now only starting to react to the blow from Yoriichi. The gates swung open yellow and red eyes hidden in the abyss contained behind the gates the only color separating the deep darkness. Just like that inhuman arms reached out from the abyss and latched onto the Game Master and pulled him into the abyss with them...

The air was still for a long moment as Uriel slowly drifted down her large angelic wings fading not in the brilliant sparkles of the shield, but as if being erased. Everyone could see her melancholy face as her feet reached the ground underfoot. Though the silence was broken as Salter, and Jalter finally snapped out of their daze running towards the heap that was Harrison, and swiftly they slid to his side checking his vitals and general well-being.

Uriel took one look at the girls beside her and knew what her last wish would be. "I am not long for this realm, the use of the noble phantasm strips me of my grand ruler class, and without that title protecting me there is nothing making the Grail keep me here. So I will grant you all one last thing before I depart," she sighed for a moment before looking down at Salter who was watching her intently Harrison clasped in her arms. "Make sure he keeps those sunglasses on," she whispered to Salter before continuing to address the crowd.

"Archangel of Salvation, I Uriel call out to the Heavens in prayer," and as the mana around the gathered masters and servants shook with power Uriel's form slowly began to fade away. It was perhaps the last echo of a dying animal, however, she still had a large smile on her face as she looked towards the shocked faces as wounds and exhaustion began to leave their forms. "Get the home Saber," were the last words she spoke to Yoriichi who stood unmoving as refined as a river stone.

Harrison didn't expect to open his eyes to light, and color moreover his body felt amazing, better than it had ever felt. He sat up like an animatronic robotic, and stiff, scaring both Alters half to death. However, almost as soon as his eyes adjusted to being able to see normally again, the world of death plagued his vision. Showing vestiges of those around him cut up along the cracks and dead. Harrison's stomach churned as he held his mouth the, insides of his stomach that threatening to escape.  Almost immediately he slammed his eyes closed, unable to bear witness to seeing his friends walking corpses.

"Harrison what's wrong," Salter was first to act seeing his excitement turn to disgust and pain in a matter of seconds. "My Mystic Eyes I can't block them," Harrison said holding his eyes shut with such force his eyelids could have formed diamonds. Salter didn't know what to do however Jalter was quick on the uptake and remembered what Uriel had said before parting with Salter. She bolted from her spot making a break for where she and Harrison were last with the pair of glasses. Sure enough on the ground untouched and in perfect condition lay Uriel's sunglasses. "CATCH!" she shouted to Salter as she gunned the glasses toward her partner and frenemy. The glasses hit Salter's outstretched palm with a loud boom striking with enough force to disturb the dust and debris on the ground around them. 

Quickly she put the glasses on Harrison's nose. "There try now," Salter said sweetly. Harrison slowly opened his eyes with extreme caution and looked around noting that the sunglasses didn't alter the light in any way, however, they stopped his mystic eyes completely. So with a sigh of relief, he relaxed for the first time in days.


I absolutely love Uriel the grand ruler I created for this story, though I didn't really get to show her off that much. The point basically is if you guys want I can publish my notes and ideas for the character if you are into that sort of thing.

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