Chapter XIV: Fate

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Harrison's eyes snap open as he sits up in a cold sweat. Taking heaving breaths and trying to recover from what he just experienced Harrison's vision slowly returns to him as his breathing stabilizes. It is around 4 am in the morning and it is pitch black in his room other than the small digital clock he keeps on his desk. Looking down to his left he sees Salter curled up under the covers sleeping peacefully, "Was that your memory," he whispers to himself as he gets out of bed too wide awake now to go to sleep. Harrison slowly gets out of bed and throws on a jacket to fight off the cold. Harrison was familiar with the idea of masters having dreams that related to a servant's memories but that was too real. He'd have to broach that subject with Salter some other time.

Harrison quietly makes his way out of his room and into the common area of the house. Taking a seat next to his old family picture he looks at it in a new light. "You got to be still out there, I know you are right. I'll see you again eventually." Harrison speaks to himself in a reassuring manner still grappling with the idea that he may have just experienced what death feels like. Noticing how bad he was shaking Harrison decides it might be best if he takes a walk to clear his head.

Sliding his feet into his sandals Harrison slowly opens the door before closing it behind him and stepping out into the cold night air. The cold air is chilling and serves to make Harrison doubt his choice even more, but he has made up his mind and a little cold breeze isn't going to dissuade him. Setting off with no particular destination in mind Harrison begins to walk around town aimlessly. He passes familiar stops, the local grocery store, gas station, etc. The periodic blue flashes of the cell tower in the distance contrast nicely against the empty night sky seemingly lacking the usual blanket of stars.

Of course, being the time it is nothing is open and no one is out, so despite the lack of light Harrison feels safer than in daylight. Satisfied with his dissipating anxiety Harrison begins to make his way back. When he turns to return however he does see someone else out, a man who seems to be a little taller than him wearing a dark grey trench coat that seems to blend in with the building he is leaning against. However, the odd thing is the singular beam of starlight that seems to cast the darkness from his being. As if noticing Harrison's gaze he moves from his lax position and begins to walk toward Harrison.

Harison is locked in place for some reason it is as if the world is contracting around him not allowing him access to his muscles as the figure approaches. It was similar to a paralyzing fear of staring down a predator who could easily end one's life, the innate violence in this figure was staggering. Stopping a pace away from Harrison the figure throws off his hood revealing his face. He has a face with sharp features and piercing blue and purple eyes that seem to swirl with might. He also has dark blue and purple hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Y-you are a servant," Harrison manages to get out. "Yes I am, and my Master has sent me to talk with you peacefully," a voice that seems to echo with an unusual amount of depth answers him in response. "W-why me," Harrison responds fear creeping into his bones at the strength exuded by this man.

The man brings his hand up, adorned with many scars from many battles, before placing it on Harrison's shoulder, "My Master was the first core master chosen for this war, and they make it a point to make their presence known to those who they find interesting, however, I don't think you will last very long in this war. Other than your large mana pool your magecraft is severely limited, you can only do dangerous techniques if I was you, that is all I would focus on." The man's hand is almost crushing the bones in Harrison's shoulder and he barely seems to be exerting himself, whoever he is he is a scary individual. With a small laugh, he continues smiling to himself. "A human using strengthing, and feilding magic what a time indeed, listen kid focus on what you can do if it is all you are good at." He says with a suddenly serious expression before returning his hand to his side.

"W-what I am so confused-" Harrison tries to ask questions before he is interrupted as the man walks off the starlight seeming to obscure him as he disappears. "My Master finds you interesting so take my advice, or don't I could care less... Harrison" seemingly with that last word his presence is completely gone, leaving Harrison gasping for breath. The violent presence he cast over Harrison was like a weighted blanket slowly crushing him. "I need to get home right now I definitely shouldn't have gone out without Salter," with a little more pep Harrison says rushing home.

When he returns he goes to check on Salter who seems to be not having the best sleep a pained expression contorted on her face. Harrison just brushes the bangs from her face gazing at her solemnly, glad nothing happened to him. "I'll make something really special for when you wake up," he thinks to himself as he covers Salter back up making sure she is bundled up nicely. 


I know a shorter chapter than usual but I didn't want an awkward end or another 2000-word plus chapter this week. Also sorry for the wonky schedule things are getting pretty hard with exams and ceremonies, however, I am trying my best to stick to the every other day schedule, regardless I wish you all a wonderful rest of your day/night.

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