Route 3 Exclusive: North Star Overture Part 1.5

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Harrison led the way with a  fair bit of confidence having already sorted out an ideal spot in his mind, though it would be a while for it to show its true potential. Regardless he led Yor through the dimly lit streets with only the flickering street lights and stars illuminating their way. As they got further and further away from where they started Yor got closer and closer to Harrison as if the dark scared her it seemed. "You sure you know where you are going," she asked a little squeak present in her voice. "Yes I am sure, come on just a little further," Harrison said with a large smile as he took Yor's hand and began pulling her along hastily.

Yor was not expecting him to stop at an old abandoned office building. It was very clearly dirty from lack of care and stood 50 stories above ground level and seemed to be one of the tallest structures in the area. "What am I looking at Harrison," Yor couldn't help but ask as she gazed up at the towering structure. 

"Do you trust me," Harrison said with a serious tone as he looked deep into Yor's eyes. "W-WHAT HOW CAN YOU ASK ME SUCH A THING OF COURSE I DO," Yor scrambled with her words as her face flushed a bright red. "Haha that's good to hear, get on," Harrison said as he squatted down motioning for Yor to hop on his back. "H-Harrison what are you suggesting I do," she protested however her words fell on deaf ears. "Oh come on just get on will you," Harrison said clearly trying to hold back laughter. After a moment of contemplation, Yor jumped onto Harrison's back reluctantly. 

The air seemed to still as the starlight around them brightened considerably. The only sound was a long exhale of focus from Harrison and the heartbeats of both Harrison and Yor. Green lines exploded across Harrison's legs as his magic circuits flared to life. "Harrison what are you- DOING!" Yor screamed as Harrison bounded towards the building at full speed. "Haha let's go!" he called out in response as his foot impacted the side of the building. Similarly to a cartoon or comic, Harrison began to run straight up the side of the building with Yor in tow. The silent fear on Yor's face would thankfully go unseen as Harrison rushed up the building at blistering speed. 

As for Yor however, in a mere moment, she was on top of the large building her hair now wildly all over the place. Harrison's was not much better for wear it seemed. "WHY YOU WHAT WAS THAT," Yor berated Harrison while weakly punching him in the arm to reinforce how disappointed she was in him. "Hey hey stop that will you come on it was fun wasn't it," he countered trying to block the many small blows.

"No, it was not, how did you even get up here before you knew how to do any of that," Yor asked stopping to take a look around the place. "I walked and climbed up the mostly okay stairs," Harrison admitted as he took a seat on a bean bag chair under a makeshift canopy of sheet metal, beach umbrellas, and fairy lights. Yor was speechless as she looked around at what could be misinterpreted as a weird tree house, with make-shift furniture clashing styles and function over form at all costs layout of the rooftop. "Did you do all this," she asked as she sat on a futon close to Harrison. "Yeah I either brought it up here or I built it, I think it came out pretty alright," he said with a smile. 

Yor only nodded in response as she took everything in around her. Harrison gave her the time she needed to take in his little piece of the world he carved out for himself. "Sometimes I sneak out of the house just to come up here and watch the stars until morning, not to sound cliche but it is a bit of a cleansing experience," Harrison mentioned while his eyes were glued to the ceiling of bright dots above. Yor shivered suddenly as a breeze snuck its way under her clothing like an unwanted guest. "Yesh it is cold do you have any blankets or someth-" 


Yor was cut off by a sweater impacting her face, "HEY WHAT WAS THA-" BOMF! A much heavier yet equally soft thing impacted Yor's face this time as she tried to protest, a large plush blanket that instantly began to ward off the cold. Harrison only smiled at her in the way she hated as if nothing in the world was bad and that at this moment nothing could go wrong. As she put on the sweater Harrison had thrown at her she took notice that it had his distinct smell, a comforting one at that. Though as she looked up she noticed it was probably because it had been the one he was wearing just moments earlier. Despite his best efforts, Yor noticed he was shivering because of the cold if just a bit. 

Yor without looking at Harrison or saying anything moved from her spot and collided with the beanbag he was on taking a spot right next to him. "You'll catch a cold like that," she said throwing half the blanket over him as she took the excuse to cuddle up close to his surprisingly warm body. Yor was astonished just moments ago she was wide awake, but right now she was fighting an uphill battle not to fall asleep coddled next to Harrison. "Well you'll get a crick in your neck like that," Harrison said lifting Yor's chin so that their faces were only centimeters apart. For a long moment, they only gazed into each other's eyes before Yor pulled Harrison into a gentle kiss. After a moment she pulled away her black hair a bit of a mess. "Don't leave me alone please," she mumbled under her breath as she buried her head into Harrison's chest. "That letter, I don't know what happened to you, but I can see whatever it was it changed you, so please just stay with me," she continued her mouth was so close to Harrison's neck he could feel the warm exhalation from each word.

Harrison didn't say anything instead he offered an ear to listen and a supportive arm to hold her...

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