Chapter XXXVII: Before

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Yor left slightly before the bell as her first period was on the other side of the school. "So Jalter, ready for Calculus," Harrison briefed Jalter as the bell rang in the background. "I am going to pretend like you didn't just say that," Jalter retorted. The two then swiftly exited the vehicle and began off towards Harrison's math class, yet Jalter couldn't stop looking from place to place in semi-amassment. Regardless Harrison was flanked by Vikari without him even noticing, another reason why he was no assassin or archer. "Harrison a new friend," she said in an almost hurtful tone startling the two. 

"Haha yeah she is from-" Harrison tried to say but a swift hand over his mouth from Jalter stopped that. "He is mine, yes what off it," Jalter said with contempt. "Would you stop that you, my gosh I can talk for myself," Harrison snapped back having shaken her hand off. Soft giggling is the only response the two of them got from Vikari however, as she said, "Well aren't you guys perfect for each other haha."

That would not be the first or last time things got misinterpreted or awkward during that period nevertheless the entire day. As when Harrison walked into class his friends were waiting for him with devilish looks on their faces. Garner was the first to speak up, "Oh ho? I like this one yes she is a keeper much better than- ouch," Baron elbowed Garner in the ribs, it seemed he had remembered how Harrison felt about this kind of teasing. "Well, are you going to introduce us to your friend," Baron said simply motioning to Jalter standing next to Harrison. Jalter slammed her foot down on the desk in between the two and with a devilish grin stated, "Names Jalter," her rash attitude totally scared both Garner and Baron.

The day went by in a confusing blur as those around him gave him dirty looks at whatever opportunity they could as Jalter kept to Harrison's side as if attached at the hip. She refused to let him go, whether holding his hand or hugging his arm as they walked from class to class. It was a weird feeling having someone like this in school, and he could tell the effects it had on certain people mainly Gwenevire who seemed to tsk whenever she saw the two of them. However, there was a fringe benefit Harrison noticed Jalter who stole eyes as frequently as an alcoholic took shots, Harrison was practically invisible. Thankfully unlike Salter, Jalter seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting from the crowds that fazed by.

In fact, Harrison had also fallen for the trick of the eye and in doing so walked straight past his 4th-period class, and didn't notice until the hallways were completely empty, in fact, Harrison noticed they were too empty. Before he noticed it the two were standing back to back as their eyes darted down each corridor. "Righter something definitely isn't right," Jalter whispered to him. Almost as if qued by Jalters mention a trap was sprung. A golden light terminating from one of the ceiling tiles exploded launching pieces of shrapnel across the hallway. Nonetheless, Jalter was unfazed as she sprung backward pushing Harrison out of the way, as she got down on all fours before kicking up like a whirlwind deflecting the small knives and assorted sharp metal objects. All Harrison saw was a flash and Jalter's flurry of kicks defending the two of them, however, he did hear the ripping sound of fabric. And when Jalter stood back up he could see obvious tears across her leggings as her muscle ripped right through them not to mention the sharp objects launched at them at near escape velocity. 

"Few dodged that bullet, or should I say knife huh huh get it," Jalter joked with Harrison as she lifted him to his feet his legs still slightly shaky and his head spinning from the speed of the encounter. "Uhh thank you Jalter," Harrison sputtered out. "Yeah, no problem but we should probably ask Yor what that was all about," Jalter said as they began heading back to Harrison's class. This only served to remind Harrison not to let his guard down as he, unlike a heroic spirit is very squishy. 

Harrison sat next to Yor as usual while Jalter moved a seat next to him, and after getting the typical attendance shenanigans out of the way Jalter and Harrison had gotten used to by now Mr. Weatherspoon announced the plan for the day. "Alright so I guess with that all settled, today is a day in class to work on your papers due for me by the end of the week, I am expecting some good stuff," he said in his typical gruff voice. Ultimately as soon as he sat at his desk that was the last thing anyone did, as they each began having discussions with each other.

Yor wasted no time in saying, "One I take it you were attacked or did you just happen to walk into a cheese grader." Jalter surprised slammed her hands on the table and exclaimed, "WHAT HOW'D YOU KNOW?" Yor rolled her eyes with such ferocity he was sure he could actually feel the Earth's gravity shift with her pupils. "Well the fact that the leggings I gave you are now torn asunder, is a pretty good indication," Yor retorted clearly fed up with Jalter's antics. Before she could go into full lecture mode she was interrupted by the loudspeaker, "Harrison Righter please report to the front office," Harrison was as shocked as Yor and Jalter as they gave him very confused glances. "No one should be on my contacts to sign me and my Uncle isn't even in town at the moment. Jalter follow me in spirit form as soon as I leave," Harrison whispered to the two of them while he grabbed his stuff to leave.

"See you, Mr. Weatherspoon," Harrison called out as he left the room. The halls seemed to be much creepier now that Harrison was marching toward the unknown. When he finally arrived at the front office he took in a long breath before opening the door, yet nothing could prepare him for the sight before him. It was Stella and Archer except Archer was in a suit, and well Stella was in her typical clothes except she held a pristine white letter in her grasp.

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