Chapter CI: Stone

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Yor could see the faces of Salter and Jalter twist with a bevy of emotions. Before anyone could say anything however a familiar face opened the door with a giant grin on her face. "Brother where are you!" came the smug voice from Annabelle. The three girls instantly looked over their shoulders to Annabelle who was in front of Sakta who was carrying a paper bag of unknown contents. The looks from the three girls clued Annabelle in that something was very wrong. "Umm, what's up," she asked nervously afraid for the answer.

"Someone has taken Righter," Salter said bluntly. "And we are going to go get him," Jalter declared suddenly surprising no one except Yor. "Wait what you guys don't even know where he is," Yor protested. Of course, she herself wanted to find Harrison as well, but they didn't have the resources to spend on this. "We have no idea where they could have taken him and even if we did we can't spare all of us to drop everything and go save him," Yor declared putting her foot down. "How can you say that," Salter almost mumbled under her breath rage boiling inside her. "I get it he is our friend but if they wanted him dead don't you think they would have killed him by now, so clearly he is safe for the most part," Yor tried to defend her position.

"You shouldn't rely on gross assumptions in a war or struggle," Salter responded in silent rage her anger still unable to be quelled. "If you wish to join me and Jalter I suggest you get moving," Salter continued her voice stable and cutting like a searing hot knife. Jalter and Annabelle followed in behind her as Salter moved to the door. As she opened it she did take one last look back at Yor whose gaze was locked with the floor. Salter tsked her tongue before moving to close the  door behind them, "Wait..." Yor said weekly causing Salter to stop momentarily. "Angel Killers," she continued her voice momentarily catching in her throat. Salter took in a deep breath as she looked at Yor, "Thank you Yor," she replied with a small smile.


Harrison could hardly feel his body as if it weighed as much as lead. His eyes were closed so all he could do was try and listen to the two voices a little ways away from him. He couldn't focus on what they were saying as if his sense were clouded by a thick fog, even his breathing seemed to be labored and lethargic. He couldn't even tell how long he was in this state before it started to dissipate from his body. That is except his hands which he realized he couldn't move at all and felt as if they were stone bonded together behind a chair it seemed.

As his senses started to return to him, he felt a lingering pain in his neck that pulsed warm with the beating of his heart. He could even taste iron in his mouth that was thick and congealed like tar. The skin on his arms tingled with the dead air that hung on him like a thick woolen blanket making it hard to breathe. "Did you do it Rider," a masculine voice asked from outside Harrison's vision his form obscured by shadow. "Yes Master," was the feminine response. The voice was as smooth as silk and as calm as a lake untouched by man, it was the voice Harrison heard before he was taken to wherever this was. 

'Everyone' Harrison thought to himself as the implications of him being taken right under their noses would do. But Harrison did realize something very important that voice he knew it, it was one he could recognize anywhere. "Medusa..." Harrison strained. He could hear the instant tension between the two in the shadows. There was slight shuffling and muffled whispers, and Harrison took this time to strain his eyes to push them past the darkness, the sight almost causing him to pass out. Yes, he could see through the erie shadows but it was what he saw that almost killed him. The owner of Cybele, the Mystic Eyes of Petrification, was walking toward him. Her hair like the silk of the Far East, and her skin white like freshly fallen snow. And yet, she was drier than the desert of Dubai, and more vicious than a sandstorm.

It was her no doubt Medusa, yet Harrison's eyes spared no time in tearing apart her frame as she drew nearer

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It was her no doubt Medusa, yet Harrison's eyes spared no time in tearing apart her frame as she drew nearer. He wanted to scream out to tell her to go away as he saw her insides turn out, large cuts rip across her frame spilling blood over the floor, and her bones snapping and cracking, Harrison had to hold back the urge to vomit. It only got more and more in detail as she drew nearer. Despite Harrison having used the eyes a handful of times before it was only momentarily but long exposure like this made him want to gouge his eyes out. 

Suddenly Medusa stopped in her tracks and tilted her head as she looked at Harrison as much as she could with the blindfold on. She could tell that his heart rate had accelerated tenfold since she walked out of the shadows she assumed that it was her horrific appearance that garnered this reaction. As she noticed him straining to pin his eyes closed, "It is a shame I am such a hideous monster indeed, but my master has requested I get some information from you, so please look at me," she said as she laid a finger on Harrison's chin.

As for Harrison closing his eyes did nothing to take the grotesque scene away from so he had no reason not to comply with the woman's demands he only wished he had the strength to fight her outlandish claim. When he opened his eyes Medusa immediately noticed the unique coloration of his eyes, 'The curse of Mystic Eyes' she thought to herself.

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