Chapter XLVII: Sight

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Harrison didn't understand he knew there must be something large he was missing, Arcueid would never be someone's servant especially not Michaels by choice. Harrison didn't have a lot of time to really dwell on it however as he got within range of Micheal. With a spinning roundhouse kick, Harrison impacted Micheal's right arm which he used to block the strike, though it was evident Harrison kicked him much harder than he anticipated. He tried to counterattack with a punch of his own but Harrison easily dodged out of the way despite still being in midair as he landed on his hands flipping backward back on his feet.

"Don't lock up, don't look up," he repeated to himself as Micheal came running at him again. "THIS WON'T BE LIKE LAST TIME PIPSQUEAK!" Micheal shouted as he came for Harrison throwing sloppy punches over and over that were so telegraphed Harrison was pretty sure he knew what Micheal was doing before he did. Trying to stabilize his heart and breathing as Salter taught him, he began evading each attack as he stepped back. However, as impressive as it was not being hit by the onslaught of blows, Harrison wasn't making any progress either. "I need to step in," he thought as there was no indication of the attacks stopping. So instead of stepping back to dodge a blow Harrison stepped forward and got punched square in the face the magecraft surrounding Micheal's fist made a warble sound when impact was made sending Harrison flying. 

The stance Harrison typically held was not well suited for advancing motions as his arms were low to his body leaving him relatively exposed. Not that Harrison could think about anything other than how much the world was spinning as it seemed everything swirled and moved in weird ways. He couldn't even tell when Micheal came up to him again just to punch him in the face again. "Caster will rip your servant to shreds," Micheal shouted at Harrison as he continued to beat him while he was down.


Jalter was indeed not in the best spot, for whatever reason it seemed Arcueid had infinite many options of magecraft yet was as physically fit as a knight-class servant it was wild, and very hard for Jalter to deal with. Yet after pressuring Jalter for most of the fight she finally backed off warping back 100ft. Arcueid looked at her hands with a confused expression as if something was off. Not wanting to waste the opportunity Jalter adopted a stance not even Salter or Harrison knew, she would... Words that Salter told Harrison earlier replayed back in her head, "I agree, potentially keeping my abilities hidden for the time being will allow for us to have an easier time in the later rounds in which information gathering will surely be key to victory." She slowly stepped out of the stance stepping back into her normal fighting stance and looked on at Arcuied with new kinds of determination.

As Arcueid was still inspecting herself Jalter came charging at her. Arcueid was too distracted with what was going on in her own world that she barely had any time to dodge and the sword easily cut into the flesh of her neck sending her staggering back. "You know how I really owe your master one, but I will still enjoy this," Arcuied said licking her lips. "I won't let this vampire bitch intimidate me I am the Dragon Witch," Jalter thought as she started to gain an upper hand in the fight, the momentum finally being in her favor as she cut and slashed at Arcueid her swords able to deal with her magecraft relatively well.


Harrison could feel himself losing consciousness little by little with each blow. But he felt that every connection with his body was severed, he couldn't feel nevertheless move a muscle. Even his mind seemed distant now as if it was screaming at him, he knew something but he couldn't grasp it. Looking over at where he thought Jalter was he saw she was still struggling, she needed his help. All of a sudden pain screamed throughout his body feeling returned to every fiber of his being as if new connections had been made throughout it. Despite being beaten up pretty bad Harrison felt dialed in and more responsive than ever. He could easily use strengthening magic to win this right now but he didn't want to give that ability away just yet. Snapping his eyes open wide he saw the shocked face of Micheal. Not giving Micheal a chance Harrison with a swift motion wrapped his legs around Micheals arm's grappling him and slamming him to the floor as Harrison flung himself to his feet with the momentum.

Micheal followed suit scrambling to get to his feet. "H-how'd you do that my magecraft should cut of all the connections to your muscles," Micheal asked in a panic. Harrison didn't have time for this glancing over his shoulder he could see how beat up Jalter was, she needed help now. "Don't know," was Harrison's response as he ran in once again shocking Micheal at his sudden advance. With swift and precise strikes weaving between Micheal's shoddy blocks slammed him in the throat, nose, and sternum respectively knocking him into the air sputtering. From his perspective, Harrison turned into a blur for a moment before he saw his feet rise above his head. Before he could fall to the Earth, however, Harrison grabbed him by the arm flipping him so his face impacted with the rock with enough force to shatter it into large chunks.

He felt Micheal's body go limp and immediately ran after Jalter and Arcueid. "Arcueid in Caster form most likely means full access to her abilities if she was to use all of that there is no way we have any shot of winning. Also knowing Red Arcueid specifically she most likely has underestimated me and isn't keeping track of me at all. I have to reveal this now if I don't things could get bad quick," Harrison thought to himself as he ran. With a deep breath, the magic circuits throughout his body exploded to life with blueish-green lines running throughout his frame. 

The burst of mana that both Arcueid and Jalter felt caused them both to glance over their shoulders mid-fight but what they saw scared them infinitely more than the quickly speeding up Harrison. No his eyes changed. Within an instant, he was on top of Arcueid having seen it the connection, the line to sever. A kick with all the force he could muster sent her stumbling back slightly as the rock around them shattered to bits. Jalter did not miss the opportunity to slam her heal into Arcueid's nose. "Thanks," was what Jalter heard her mutter before she fell fully unconscious falling to the floor.

Harrison landed on the ground immediately screening in pain as he felt like his entire body was pulling itself apart, Harrison put more power into his magic circuits than ever before and his fleshy body was nowhere near ready for that level of strengthening. Jalter could only think of one thing to do, hit him really hard. "Go to sleep okay," she whispered sweetly, that was the last thing Harrison heard as he no longer felt anything as the but of a sword swiftly hit the side of his skull powering his brain off like a simple switch.

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