Chapter XVI: Blink

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After catching Salter upon the state of affairs with Harrison's hastily crafted alliance, and sketching Salter in all sorts of poses as she requested the two leave the art room hours passed when school ended. Surprisingly there were still cars in the parking lot. "Righter hold, something is very off it might be Annabelle," Salter says putting a protective hand in front of Harrison. With the crackle of lighting and a flash of red light Salter's armor was equipped for her. For a second, however, Harrison could sware that it was different somehow. Something that was definitely different was the mask she had on, which Harrison had never seen her dawn before. He recognized it from Heaven's Feel but Salter had never worn it that he had seen, it covered her eyes and her nose as if the reverse of a normal helmet.

 He recognized it from Heaven's Feel but Salter had never worn it that he had seen, it covered her eyes and her nose as if the reverse of a normal helmet

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"What's that for," Harrison asked with genuine curiosity. In an almost robotic and deathly tone that unsettled Harrison who had forgotten who Salter was she responded, "It helps me focus on the coming battle, Master I suggest you stand back." Her whole personality was different and Harrison didn't like it whatsoever but he didn't see much choice as thunder clouds began to roll in around them. Everything that was happening seemed incredibly wrong.

"Hello you two," a voice called out from above before an object came hurtling from above. Annabelle and Sakata landed 50ft away from them a large smile on Annabelle's face. "Now this time I will win handly I can't have us going on easy with each other just because we are friendly at night," she says with a murderous smile. Before Harrison could respond Salter moved in front of him, "Master of house Kaiser stand down immediately." Annabelle looked surprised by the harshness from Salter for a moment before recovering and commencing the battle with a shout, "BERSERKER!"

With the flash of lighting, the two servants sped off towards each other. However, things were very much different this time instead of Salter being outdone in power and durability it looked as if she won those aspects by leaps and bounds. Easily dishing out strikes that sent Sakata flying away and taking strikes that crushed the ground underneath her without even a dent in her armor. With this immense boost in power though Harrison started to feel woozy, he could definitely feel the draw from Salter as she began to thrash Berserker.

Recovering from the testing skirmish the two servants had, yellow lighting began to spark along the skin of Sakata. He cracked his neck having been warmed up adequately. In an instant, he was on Salter kicking up a mountain of dirt in his wake. He swung his axe with a newfound ferocity, loud metal clanging was the only thing Harrison could perceive as the billows of dust obscured his vision.

Little did Harrison know Salter was not even phased by this burst of strength and speed, easily parrying and countering every wild strike. No matter the strength he was able to muster Salter looked on with a stone face unmoving and unstoppable her slow advance towards him, can only be compared to a slow march of an army on an undefended capital, oppressive.

When the smoke cleared Salter had her foot atop Sakata's head pinning him to the ground, this sight absolutely shocked Harrison. "Salter stand down!" he tried to yell out to her, though he collapsed to his knees while doing so every last ounce of strength being drained from him. She didn't move or flinch, she just continued to add pressure to her step cracking the ground underfoot. Harrison saw Annabelle rush towards her servant charging up some sort of spell that was easily smacked away by Salter. When she finally got close enough Salter backhanded the girl sending her tumbling to the ground easily smashing through the many fields meant to protect her.

"No, this isn't you Salter, damnit  Angra Mainyu!" Harrison shouted gathering his remaining strength to push himself off the ground. Looking around him for anything he could use, any ideas his eyes scoured the area like a starving lion. The cell tower, debris, a brick, and the pen in his pocket. Still rushing towards Salter without a plan he saw it, the cell tower the blue light flickered unusually. It was the other Master. Harrison collided with Salter and tried to persuade her to move, knowing the bolt of energy would be headed straight for them, "Salter we have to move, we have to go we are going to be shot by the other Master." She wouldn't budge or move and the strength was quickly fading from Harrison's grasp as he felt his knees shake in both fear and exhaustion.

With one final look over his shoulder the piercing line of blue energy a mere 100ft away left no room for planning, no room for contingencies, there was only a single instinctual plan. Firing up his magic circuits with what little mana he had left Harrison put his entire being into the shove as he threw himself into Salter. The blot blasted into Harrison's calf carving out a large chunk of muscle and bone leaving him gasping for breath on the ground 20ft from where he was not even a moment ago.

Salter just slowly stood back up seemingly unconcerned with Harrison's well-being, totally absorbed by her one task, "Kill Berserker." Slowly marching back over to Sakata Harrison saw another blue flicker in the distance, he would never be able to reach her in time. She was the only thing between this arrow and himself, but he had made his mind up a long time ago on what he would do. Reaching his hand into his pocket he grabbed the pen he used to draw the sketches of Salter, which she seemed to love so much just a moment ago, and bitting back the blood that exploded from every connection in his body he threw it with all his might.

The pen, like a bullet from a gun connected with the back of Salter's mask sending it flying off moments before the impact of the arrow hit her. As the knight she was, she dodged the bolt with no time to spare instinctually before the scene had flickered to light in her consciousness. It was then that she realized the path of the bolt, no the arrow was never intended to hit her, it was always aimed at Harrison. He laid on his side bleeding perfectly along the connections of his magic circuits with an arrow deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, it having wormed its way through his forearm and the reaming force blasted a chuck on flesh from Harrison's back.

Salter's head was reeling as she tried to control her immediate reaction of violence, to hunt this archer down to the end of time but Harrison had taught her to think to stop. The world seemed to spin yet she didn't have time to sit and think things through. Bitting back her swirling vision she straightened herself calling her sword back to her hand. Knowing another shot stronger than the last would be coming soon, she pieced together a plan. Harrison was terribly hurt because of her, Sakata was out of commission and Annabelle was in shock.

Recollection hit her the name she recognized it if just for a moment, a past war. "Annabelle SEP field on yourself and Sakata," Salter shouted readying her blade for the blue streak that cut across the sky like a shooting star impacting her blade like a tank shell. Salter grimaced as she deflected it sending it slightly of course and creating a large divot in the ground next to her, before her sword disappeared. Knowing she had only a couple of seconds for this trick she focused hard on her saint graph. 

Salter's form glowed a bright white "Run now and don't turn back, fight their command with everything you have," Salter said in a surprisingly comforting tone yet with a stern enough undertone to shock Annabelle into action once again. Sakata's body begins to return to spirit form as she ran. Salter then quickly whipped around sending small hurricanes of wind careening into the buildings around her, leaving large cuts in the brick. Gripping a new weapon in her hand as her glow began to subside she saw what would be the Archer's last arrow get loosed as she raised her hand level with the light "May Lancelot help guide this shot through the winds, and see it through to its destination," Salter says invoking some sort of skill. "SECACE!" she finishes the call out as the weapon she held in her extended hand let out a shoot of red energy with a boom causing trees to sway in its wake.

Salter didn't have time to consider whether the shot hit its mark as the arrow was still on its way toward her. Sucking in a cool breath she gets down into a low position, and with both of her hands on the mysterious weapon disappears. Her protection from arrows comes in full force allowing her the ability to catch the arrow, though the momentum and power behind the shot pull her backward as her heels dig deep trenches into the earth as she is ripped from where she was, stopping just before Harrison.

Finally, the blue light in the cell tower in the distance goes out. Collapsing to her knees Salter plunges her face into her hands, as she drops the small arrow to the ground. Everything that had happened slowly catches up to her, she can't help but cry as the thunder clouds overhead finally begin to spill their contents, leaving her and Harrison in the rain. She then feels a light squeeze on her shoulder. A weak voice reaches her ear, "You shouldn't cry, we won right," Harrison says having to put most of his weight on Salter to stay upright. She looks back with tear-stained eyes to see a bloody smile from Harrison.

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