Salter's War Awakening

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The space between realms was a place similar to the many ideas of purgatory. Where the infinitely spanning heroic spirits resided was not a place of things but of the lack. The lack of pain, the lack of suffering, however with that came, the lack of joy, the lack of conscious thought as the mind drifted through a state of awareness and not. This is the place all heroic spirits came after their respective Holy Grail war, and this is where Salter rested in a dreamlike state yet to be called upon by the pull of the Grail.

Sudden thought flooded her being, memories and ideas of a time alien to her. In the space between an object floated in the space in front of her, Avallon the scabbard to Artoria's holy sword. Yet the scabbard came to her as if it was for her, not for the true Artoria Pendragon but for her broken alter ego counterpart. Salter stared at the scabbard for a long moment wondering if she would respond to this call of the Grail. Ultimately it wasn't a choice to be made, of course, she would.

With thunderous booms, and hurricane class winds a figure was brought into being in the confines of a small library. The figure had all black plate mail that had a presence that could crush those around it without moving an inch. The helmet seemed to pay tribute to that of a dragon's maw completely obscuring the face, the chest piece seemed to stick out as if stabbing the very heavens themselves, and the lance carried by this figure seemed to have crystals shooting out of it like jagged spikes. Salter's consciousness finally catches up to her body as she looks around the room she has been summoned into.

 Salter's consciousness finally catches up to her body as she looks around the room she has been summoned into

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(Salter's current form)

A small room with mahogany flooring, it seemed to be built with pristine craftsmanship in mind. There were books strewn about the floor accompanied by a bunch of papers with miscellaneous notes. And of course, there was the person... persons, there was a man with scruffy brown hair and bags under his eyes to suggest he hasn't slept in a while, but he wore an expression of pure relief on his face. There was another, a woman standing next to him she had straight dyed black hair evident by the blonde roots and these piercing blue eyes, yet for how intimidating her appearance and looks may suggest she looked on at Salter with a smile that was nothing but the epitome of welcoming.

Straightening her stance as she dismisses the lance, "Master if it is you who have summoned me to take upon the challenge of claiming the grail, let me be the spear point of your charge. The mare that will carry you to yet unseen victory. The armor that protects you from harm. My only request is that I will be granted the ability to herald the grail and fulfill my only wish." Salter says with a tone of voice that is scarily calm. However, instead of a mature response from her Master, the man aggressively wraps his arms around her, "Of course, let's win this war," he says more to himself than to Salter.

The man then releases her and steps back saying, "I take it you are the legendary king of storms, Lancer." Salter nods before responding, "That would be correct Master, I take it you were hoping to summon me yes?" Her Master seems to cringe at the use of his title and pipes up himself, "Lancer may I ask that you refer to me as [REDACTED] and this behind me is [REDACTED]. I thank you for answering my summon request and yes I did intend to summon you specifically which is why I am so glad that I was able to achieve that goal."

Salter/Lancer confused by why her Master was hoping for her specifically asks that exact question, "May I ask why?" Her Master just smiles at her before saying, "My philosophy is not to worry so much of the why's or how's but try and enjoy the now's, but if you really wish to know I will tell you." Lancer snickers to herself before getting a response out, "You must be one terrible Magus, but no I will not inquire if you do not wish to tell me." Suddenly Lancer is grabbed by the wrist as the woman in the room starts pulling her out of the room with surprising strength, "Come on come on, I'll give you a tour of the place so we can get out of that stuffy library," she says with a wink as grumbles start coming from the library. "MY LIBRARY IS NOT STUFFY!" her Master shouts in anger.

The woman takes her all around the house and seemed very glad to have someone else to talk to as she asks all sorts of meaningless questions, "What's your favorite food, have you played boardgames before, OH was chess a thing when you were alive, have you seen a movie in a movie theater before, and cars do you like those..." Lancer would be lying if she said she wasn't smiling under her helmet as this may have been the first time she was truly treated as a normal person, no matter how stupid the questions.

After Lancer had been given an adequate tour of the small western-styled house she was taken down to the kitchen by the woman. "Do you need to eat?" she asked with a sweet voice that once again betrayed her appearance. "No I do not," Lancer said in the same calm tone. "Hmmm well would you like to have something to eat?" she continued taking Lancer down the stairs to the kitchen where her Master seemed to be cooking something. Whatever it was it smelled better than any of the food she ever ate when she was king.

"Ah Lancer I'm sure [REDACTED] has been chewing your ear off all day, but do you have any other clothes than the armor for when we go out and the like, as I've been made aware of your inability to enter spirit form. If not I am sure she could find you some clothes that are to your liking," when her Master says this from Lancer's right the woman looks at her with that same smile from earlier. "Why are these people so nice to me, I haven't done anything for them, yet they treat me like family?" Lancer thinks to herself. "No, not as I am currently I have no other forms of dress," she says succinctly. "YAY! I'LL GO PICK OUT SOME OUTFITS!" the woman shouts as she runs off leaving Lancer and her Master alone. "Thank you," Lancer mutters under her breath so quiet that she herself can barely hear it.

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