Chapter XVII: Rider

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(Cover art by Mary.Yume)

Harrison doesn't even realize that he falls under once again as he only seems to blink after trying to consol Salter, yet when his eye opens once again he is in the familiar rumble of his vehicle, as Salter floors it. As he looks around however he notices that Salter looks definitely different, even her mannerisms are off. It is then that his slow mind fills him in, she managed to shift her saint graph? "T-that's not right," Harrison mumbled to himself, shifting a saint graph should outright kill a servant if possible at all, yet Salter went from her Saber form to Rider. Before Harrison can comment Salter swerves the car to the left suddenly as a lightning bolt strikes the ground beside the vehicle.

"I thought we won, what was that," Harrison exclaims straightening himself in the seat. Salter nods before responding, "Ah, I see you are awake Master Harrison. No, it would seem that the assailant is another core Master, and they had access to both a high profile Caster and Archer. I apologize for the terrible servicing on your clothes, however, your health Master Harrison is more of a concern and so that is why we are in the position we are in now." Harrison is confused at the difference in speech but he waves it away for the time being as the comment about his clothes is weird, as he should be in very much bloodstained clothes by now but they looked incredibly pristine. Shaking his head as he tries to realine his thoughts, he should be mortally wounded from the arrows, yet she looked over his hand back and calf they almost seemed completely healed.

Before his thoughts could flow off track any further another loud boom, signaling lighting and the crash of road being obliterated mere inches from them. "Master Harrison, as they are a core Master I believe a counter-attack is out of the question until we have a second servant under our command at the minimum. Even including the potential aid of both Anabelle and Yor as the opposing Master would have greater synergy than our unpracticed teams and potentially other servants we are unaware about." Salter says out of nowhere as she continues to dodge the attacks effortlessly. Harrison confused by this random conversation piece inquires further, "So why don't we lose them, you seem to be able to dodge their attacks well enough."

"I don't believe I will be able to shake them with their Caster up and running Master Harrison," Salter says nodding in the negative. "What do you suggest then," Harrison asks the anxiety starting to build on him as he feels cornered. "Master Harrison are you well enough to drive," Salter asks bluntly. Harrison shakes his head in disbelief and responds, "I think so, but I-" Salter rips the wheel to the left sending the car spiraling as it accelerates. However, as the driver's side reaches where they were previously fleeing from, Salter elegantly unbuckles her seat belt and steps out of the car all the while it goes spinning onward as Harrison struggles to regain control of the vehicle.

Harrison doesn't see what Salter is up to as he is too concerned with scrambling to get out of the passenger seat not caring if he rips open closing wounds. Grinding his teeth in pain he manages to slink over into the driver seat and grab the wheel attempting to gain control of the spinning vehicle. Slamming the shifter into the previous gear and counter steering the back wheels start to fight the momentum as he stops the spin of his car. Fully trusting Salter he doesn't stop he just continues to accelerate only glancing into the rearview mirror to see the figure of Salter as she held a large sniper rifle.

Salter stepped out of the car as if it was as easy as walking, she let out a smooth exhale as she braced herself for the oncoming attacks. However, as far as she was concerned she had a Master to protect and she could do something. Flicking out her wrist she summoned a large snipper rifle to her right hand. Spinning it lightly into the air she loaded it with a loud CACHUNK. Her eyes pierced the guise of the thunderclouds as they rapidly scanned for her target.

As the rain drained down her face slowly she spoke the familiar words as if they were as natural as the sounds of the wind and the rain. "You will never escape, the indomitable demonic bullet..." A lightning bolt strikes Salter where she stands exploding the road into ruble underneath her, however, this still does not interrupt her speech. "that skims across the water's surface..." Salter raises the sniper rifle to her face taking aim. With a shout, she finishes the chant out strong, "LOOK ON! SECACE MORGAN!" The bolt of energy released from the business end of the gun pierces easily through the clouds scattering the entire storm. Salter doesn't have to see her target to confirm she had made a hit as she Secace her gun discorporates. Summoning up another tool in its stead her trusted motorcycle meets her grasp, and she easily swings a leg around it as it carries her off. 

Her ridding skill plus her mount allow her to easily catch up to Harrison who'd actually stop as soon as he could turn off the straight road waiting for anything from Salter

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Her ridding skill plus her mount allow her to easily catch up to Harrison who'd actually stop as soon as he could turn off the straight road waiting for anything from Salter. He tried to be all cool and drive off but he got worried and pulled off. Seeing her pull her motorcycle around, and not being concerned with the why or how of the scenario, the elation clouding his thoughts, Harrison scrambled out of the car. His wounds screamed at him to stop or slow, however, Harrison just ran to Salter pulling her into a tight embrace as she got off her motorcycle.

"Master Harrison, why are you holding me so tight," Salter asks as Harrison continues to hold her the water coming from his face indistinguishable from tears or leftover water from the rain. "I am just happy you didn't get yourself hurt like last time. Promise me you won't do anything that stupid again," he said still holding her tight. "Master Harrison if it con...  ..  .    ." Salter's words die on her mouth as she collapses into Harrison's arms her saint graph returning to her normal Saber form. "That change must be incredibly taxing," Harrison thinks to himself as he gently sets her down on the floor. "Gosh we are two weirdos aren't we... a second servant where are we going to find one of those though," Harrison says to himself as he looks at Salter's sleeping frame. With a self-deprecating smile, Harrison leans up against the car, "What a night."

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