Chapter LXXXVII: Instinct

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"I don't mean to interrupt but this realty marble is collapsing in on itself as we speak," Yoriichi said calmly. Sure enough, as Harrison looked out at the world around him the world it was slowly crumbling away. "How are we supposed to get out of here then," Zerik stated clearly panicked. "That is simple, where is it you'd like to go," Yoriichi flashed him a question in return throwing Zerik off guard. Zerik went to open his mouth to answer but a swift slap from Muramasa shut him up as it floored him. "Maybe we should not tell potential enemies that," Muramasa said with a hint of animosity in his voice. So in turn Zerik brushed himself off and walked over to Yoriichi before whispering in his ear the desired location.

Everyone watched intently at the exchange going on as the world around them became smaller and smaller as they spoke. Yoriichi nodded and stepped back from Zerik and reached for the hilt of his sword. With a flash of his blade, a small tear in the reality marble started to form, to about the size of an average-sized person. Zerik looked at Yoriichi with concern on his face, to this Yoriichi only nodded. Then with one last look back to his two servants Zerik walked through the tear. After a moment of silence and deliberation, Muramasa and Martha went to the tear walking through it. Muramasa was the last one to cross the boundary and as the last vestiges of him passed through the tear it slammed closed with a warble of the space around.

Harrison and Alice met eyes next unsure of what to do next. Though for Harrison it was a little weird looking at this girl who could easily be called a demon herself for the actions she took. Despite this, Harrison still remembered what she and her servant had done for him. "Go ahead," he said with a smile as he stood up and brushed off his clothes that were in slight taters. Alice looked to Morgan Le Fay who nodded at feeling her gaze. "O-okay," she stated as she walked towards Yoriichi who had to lean down to receive her whispers.  "Certainly," he stated easily as he raised his blade before bringing it striking down causing another tear to form, this time about 3/4 the size of the first. The two girls had to step awkwardly through the gate but there were no issues with the transfer. Though as Morgan stepped through last she looked at Harrison and mouthed "Thank you."

Harrison looked out at the realm around him and guessed he had about 2 minutes before the world collapsed in around them. "What about you Yoriichi, where are you going to go," Harrison couldn't keep himself from asking. Yoriichi cracked a smile for the first time since he had been summoned. "I am not going, though I thank you for giving me an opportunity to see a realm that wasn't mine. And as for you Jalter," he started turning towards the last group remaining of Harrison, Jalter, and Salter. "I wish to show you a style that may fit you better than any I have taught another," he said motioning for her to come closer.

Salter and Harrison watched intently as they whispered conspiratorially to each other. Suddenly, Jalter stumbled backward shocked, "Yes it may be so though it is in your hands now," Yoriichi stated as calmly as always however he couldn't hide the small smile on his face. "Now I already know where you would like to go my friend," Yoriichi said cutting another tear in space. "Wait but Yoriichi why can't you come with us," Harrison said unwilling to see another servant accept death as Uriel did moments earlier. "I am not meant to be summoned as a servant, nor any grail war, it is only right I return to where I came from," Yoriichi said looking out at the encroaching white abyss. "Now please go before it is no longer an option for you," he said taking one last glance back towards the group of them.

Despite not really knowing Yoriichi, Harrison was on the verge of tears. A swordsman that noble shouldn't cement himself to death simply due to circumstance. This holy grail war was truly broken. Resigning himself to his fate he stepped through the portal.

With a hard thump, he hit the grassy floor. "Archer!" someone exclaimed loudly a little ways away from Harrison. Quickly Harrison pushed himself to his feet and saw Stella, his eyes went wide however as he saw how beat up she was. Perhaps more worrying was the spear that was held to her throat. The spear was a deep crimson and pulsed like a heartbeat.  The woman who held the spear had purple hair and was in a tight body suit. Instantly Harrison recognized "Scathach." 

'I have no idea when Salter and Jalter will be here, or whether Annabelle or Yor are around. But that move will certainly end things as they are right now. Archer seems to be missing or injured those are both best-case scenarios. That being said I don't have the time to gather more information Scathach is clearly out for blood.'

Harrison didn't have time to consider his circumstance. He didn't have time to mourn Yoriichi or Uriel at that moment he had to act. Something he had been struggling with for a long time now, however now was not one of those times and with a rush burst forward. Ripping off the sunglasses he was given, power-infused through Harrison's entire being as he darted for Scathach without a single thought for his safety.

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