Chapter LXXVI: Reluctance

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Harrison's eyes slowly opened, to reveal a quiet serine area, he was back in the world of the living he was pretty sure because the ceiling looked very similar to the room he was in during the tournament. Though it was dark and eerily quiet to the point that even his breathing seemed loud. Slowly and carefully Harrison sat himself up from the position he was in earlier and took note of his surroundings. 

For starters what he had not realized earlier was that Salter was asleep with her head laid across Harrison's lap. "Hmm that throws a bit of a wrench in things," Harrison spoke to himself quietly. Jalter was close by as well on the other side of Harrison sprawled over a bar stool, she was clutching something to her chest. Harrison sighed in recognition of the unfinished drawing of Jalter in Harrison's in-between realm of life and death. Though there were plenty of other people around as well. Harrison took explicit note of the purple-haired woman who fell asleep while standing behind Harrison it seemed, though judging from the bags under her eyes she needed it badly. In fact, Harrison recognized the woman to be Martha. Without missing a beat he noticed off in the corner Morgan and Alice cuddling together under a small blanket and he couldn't help but smile. 

Lastly, there was Zerik who was passed out on the floor with Senji Muramasa watching over him, the only person other than Harrison to be awake. "Muramasa I presume," Harrison spoke up a little bit to be heard startling the other servant slightly as he jumped. He turned slowly so as to not make noise and when his eyes landed on Harrison he spoke, "Glad to see your up, there were a lot of people worried about you as you can see." Harrison nodded, however noting how he neither wanted to sleep nor could move he asked a question, "Know how to play chess?"

Salter was the next to open her eyes hours later. She rubbed at them with a yawn as she slowly stretched out across Harrison's lap which had not moved an inch. Her eyesight was a little fuzzy as she just woke up not to mention her mind was a little slow to grasp the situation, as Harrison was sketching Muramasa in this weird pose. "I am I still dreaming," she mumbled aloud as she couldn't comprehend why Harrison was able to do such a thing after being so heavily wounded. "Hm, oh Salter you're up. Good morning!" Harrison said with a smile as he turned to meet her gaze with a warm smile that no dream could replicate. 

What Harrison didn't expect was the hug that he received from Salter. As she jumped into his arms tackling him back down on the bed as she held him tightly. A few moments passed in silence before being broken by the awkward coughing of Muramasa. Salter immediately rocketed herself off of Harrison a reddish blush creeping over her face. "Oh- um cough good to see you are up Righter," she tried to recover hiding her elation within. Despite this, the commotion made earlier woke many of the others up with the exception of Alice and Zerik.

It was Martha who corralled the growing clamor of voices and successful smiles. "Halt yawn do not get too carried away, he is not nearly fit or done with his treatment," she tried to command through a yawn. "No no no, I am fine, please I am sure your skills are needed elsewhere like Salter in fact," Harrison said as he slipped off the bed with confidence and stability that told the room he was fine. Salter however felt the wave of dizziness and pain that flashed through Harrison's mind. "I doubt that," Martha responded as she moved in to help Harrison. "Yes I would agree with Martha you are definitely not fine," Salter added.

Harrison walked away waving his hand in a dismissive manner, "Psh it is cool, there are other people that needed healing just as bad as me," Harrison said plopping down on the couch. It was Morgan's turn to chime in now, "Tsk you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink," she hissed. "What we can't just strap him down and force him to be healed," Jalter asked cracking her knuckles. "You idle-brained miscreant no, healing is much more particular than that and requires a certain level of finesse," Martha responded trying to control her anger. Jalter shrunk away slightly in response. "Yes Caster is correct, so if Harrison refuses to accept our healing it would be most economical to either rest or as he suggested take care of you Art- Saber. Especially as I have noticed your condition has yet to improve whatsoever," Morgan said taking the forefront of the conversation.

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