Route 2 Exclusive: Conquering the Witch of Vengence

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Heyo it's the writer I just wanted to interject in here really quick to say something. Similar to Fate Stay Night there are multiple routes (girls). I will mainly be writing the King of the Grails Fate route or the one involving Salter (it's my favorite of the bunch), however that being said there will be times like this in which I write about the other routes, because well it's fun. One last thing all routes are technically canon just in different timelines. So without further ado welcome to the first official installment of King of the Grail's Fate: Conquering the Witch of Vengence.


Harrison's body was sluggish as his eyes fluttered open for only a moment. He realized he was back in his own bed which was another bout of relief no less. Half asleep he moved into a more comfortable position turning over on his side and messing with the blankets slightly. Maybe because he was tired or half-asleep he didn't hear the dejected mumbles of another as he shifted around, that is until he felt two arms wrap themselves around his body. They were ice cold in a refreshing manner. Harrison's eyes slowly opened to the sleeping face of a one Jeanne D'Arc Alter berserker.


Jalter and Salter had come to a gentlemen's agreement not to go into Harrison's room that night as he was too exhausted and he didn't like it when they snuck in without his knowledge. However, most importantly the other would be jealous to no end if they found one of them had gotten alone time with Harrison. That is not even including the threats from others like Yor who seemed to get flustered when discussing the prospect of being alone with Harrison. None of that would stop Jalter tonight, she said that she would win and she meant it.

So she stayed awake for hours after putting Harrison away in his room with Salter "reading" really she was watching that of Yor, Annabelle, and Salter to make sure none would catch her plan. Though soon enough they each began to fall asleep in their own little nocks, the only problem was Salter sleeps standing and took post right by Harrison's door. "What good strategist only comes up with one plan," Jalter said to herself as she left the apartment altogether.

Using her strength and speed to her advantage, she quickly lept up and over the building making her way to the back where the window to Harrison's room faced. Slowly and carefully she began to scale the building using her ungodly strength to hold herself up. Low and beyond she reached Harrison's window, carefully as to avoid any excess noise she pushed upwards to test if it was locked, "nope," she laughed to herself. With ninja-like agility, she flipped herself inside the room without making any noise and closed the window behind herself. As she walked toward the bed she thought to herself that if anyone knew where Harrison was that window would prove problematic... "Eh I'm sure it is no big deal, besides having my own secret entrance... irresistible," she said with a sly smile.


Harrison couldn't tell if he was dreaming or awake, as his every action felt sluggish and watery as if watching things from underwater. Harrison brushed a strand of hair from Jalter's face stirring her a bit. Her eyes fluttered open, "Hm so am I cuter while sleeping or what," Jalter pestered with a knowing smile. No one said anything for a long moment as they just looked at each other. Harrison couldn't help himself as he pulled Jalter into a kiss. Although hesitant at first Jalter melted into his touch.

When she finally chose to break the kiss her breath was heavy already, yet she couldn't keep her eyes off Harrison. "I umm-" she tried to protest before Harrison cut her off by kissing her lightly on the neck sending shivers down her entire spine. Jalter had to bite down on her lip to restrain herself from making any noise. Shortly enough Harrison pushed himself so he was on top of Jalter as he slowly made his way down to Jalter's collar bone.

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