Chapter XLV: Distraction

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The first fight Harrison would have to take would be against someone called Micheal it seemed. Harrison was just staring at the name shaking with nerves, it was that fear of the unknown that was sinking into every fiber of Harrison's being, what if he didn't find the information he needed.  Salter squeezed him in a reassuring way providing him with something to pull himself out of his own thoughts. "Thank you, Salter, you're right there is nothing I can really do now except give it my all," Harrison said as he walked over to the large couch overlooking the window, which now shifted to show a timer 2 hours was the time he had before presumably the match would start.

Changing the subject to try and put Harrison's growing anxiety to rest Salter piped up with the information she gained before returning. "From the handful of masters and servants I spoke to it seems almost all of them aren't magus at all, in fact, most are just normal people whose servants urged them to take the opportunity to gain more command seals, there also seems to be some unrest at the current state of affairs after the preliminaries," Salter said with the calm tone of a tactician. Harrison nodded in response to this, he wasn't a fully-fledged magus but he could use some magecraft which gave him an advantage against most from what he was hearing. "Salter no one can access the preliminary tapes correct," Harrison asked just in case he was misinformed. She shook her head in the positive indicating that "Yes no one can access them."  

Harrison sucked in a long breath, "I think I should take Jalter to the first couple of matches," he said trying to sound confident. He closed his eyes in anticipation of being hit or something of the sort but that didn't come. When he opened his eyes he saw Jalter dancing around with a happy expression on her face and Salter's usual calculated expression. After agonizing silence as she walked to the far wall to lean against as she crossed one leg over the other she finally spoke up, "I agree, potentially keeping my abilities hidden for the time, will allow for us to have an easier time in the later rounds in which information gathering will surely be key to victory." Harrison was slightly taken aback by her very reasonable response. "So you aren't mad," Harrison asked and immediately regretted it as he saw familiar flames flicker at the bottom of Salter's feet. "Oh no I am mad that I will not be of use, for the first couple of rounds, but as a knight, I must understand proper wartime strategy," she responded in a cool tone, but Harrison could feel more strongly than he should be able to the discontent she felt. "Maybe I should take her out somewhere nice after this," Harrison thought to himself.

"I won't let you down, we will win this," Jalter declared striking a superhero esc pose with a wide grin on her face. "Though I did notice that you are still having some trouble deciding on when to counterattack in fights, so I think we should take some time to work on that before the match, besides it will get your mind off things and serve as a good warm-up," she continued. Harrison stood up throwing his arms, "In what space this place is pretty packed it's not like the open field..." his words left his mouth with a sigh as the room shifted to that of a fighting game training stage.

" his words left his mouth with a sigh as the room shifted to that of a fighting game training stage

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"Haha, no excuses now huh," Jalter laughed as she lowered herself down similar to a charging boar. Harrison looked to Salter for some support or advice, but she just smiled innocently at him as she walked backward making space for Jalter and himself. Harrison let out an exasperated sigh, "If I must this will be the time I win," he said with fake confidence. "Well I won't go easy on you," Jalter responded. "When have you ever-" Harrison had to cut his words short as he ducked backward narrowly avoiding a sword coming for his throat.

Like a pinwheel, Jalter spun in midair her swords reflecting unseen light only adding to the pinwheel effect before she landed and looked up at Harrison with an animalistic grin. Within an instant, she was charging toward Harrison swords ablaze with purple flames. Using all of his focus and concentration he managed to keep the blades from impacting his vitals by reinforcing his arms with his magic circuits to block the blows or narrowly avoiding the others, though he was still yet to counterattack. Sweat started to pour down Harrison's face as he was forced to move in unusual ways to keep up with Jalter nevermind making any progress. However, just as he thought one of the blades was about to dig into his shoulder, Jalter whipped around kicking him in the gut instead sending him sliding backward 20 feet. Before she sheathed both blades and held out her hand a purplish orb of energy forming before being launched at Harrison. Thankfully the half-second recovery time gave Harrison a second to metaphorically get back on his feet. Sending mana rushing to his hands he punched the orb of energy shattering it, as he pushed off with his legs sending him changing towards the smiling Jalter.

Unsheathing two of her swords once again she moved to intercept Hassions charge, however quite unexpectedly to her he didn't evade or try and move out of the way, no he just pushed closer. Using his strengthening magecraft on his hands he grabbed the blade aimed for his head with his left hand as the other blade dug deep into his thigh. And for a split second, Jalter saw his eyes light up a brilliant blue as his eyes opened fully his teeth being grit hard before he planted a blow into Jalters collar bone causing a strong gust of wind to whip around the room. "Now only if that wasn't so weak," she laughed to herself as Harrison held his fist against where he had struck, Jalter completely unfazed.

"Damn," Harrison let out before Jalter spun kicking him square in the face and sending him flying. Their sparing continued like this for the next 2 hours leaving mere seconds before the door to the fight opened. Harrison had cuts and wounds all over his body, and even his incredible regeneration was struggling to keep him healthy but Jalter and he had gotten so involved in the sparing they had both lost track of time. As for Salter, she took notes on both of their performances making sure to keep in mind things they could both work on, but she didn't interrupt the fighting, seeing this as a future teachable moment for Harrison not to get too exhausted before important fights.

Just as Harrison pushed himself to his feet again he saw the shining bright door labeled summons open revealing a white abyss so bright it was hard to look at. "Guess this is the time huh? Are you ready Jalter?" he said as he began brushing the dust and debris from his clothes. "Right behind you Righter," Jalter said following close behind as they both began to make their way towards the door. Harrison took one last look back before he crossed into the white abyss. The nerves fell away from him like dust in a strong wind as he saw Salter's smiling face as she waved at them.


Hey, all it's been a while how have things been holding up, and what do you all think of the arc so far? This one might have some of my favorite moments so far yet to come, so I am really looking forward to when you all will get to experience it. Anyways I wish you all a wonderful rest of your day/night as always. 

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