The Boys Part 1

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The assembled crew of Harrison's friends looked longingly at the small patch of grass Harrison and his two servants had been standing only moments ago. "So he's gone huh," Yor was the first to speak up as she stepped out of the crowd reaching for the spot they had been moments ago as if they would reappear. Archer was the next to speak up as sorrow washed over the crowd. "It seems he was thrust into a reality marble of sorts it could be a servant's noble phantasm, however, we all shouldn't wait around doing nothing it is our war too," he said sternly turning to walk away from the spot. Slowly but surely the crowd began to follow, Yor being the last one to fall into the line leading to the house. "God damnit Harrison, why, why did you have to go? Just come back soon," she said on the brink of hysterics as tears rolled down her face.

Yor was a special case she belonged to house Reverant, a powerful and deeply rooted magus family, yet she was the only living member that still stood. Her father had served in the last Holy Grail War and well needless to say he did not return, this had manifested in Yor as only a tad of separation anxiety especially when it came to leaves of unknown length. She hated it but the way she felt around Harrison was something unlike what she had felt before with anyone, especially with how she tried to stay distant in school. Alas, Harrison wouldn't allow that somehow always get into her life. So with one final goodbye, she got off of her knees and made her way back towards the apartment they had all argued over who got to watch, and so decided they all would.

The apartment was cramped, to say the least Sakata and Archer took up a lot of space, unlike BB who stayed in spirit form for the most part. This led to the masters and servants being pretty liberally spread about the apartment. So Stella left shortly going on a patrol with Archer just to get out of the cramped apartment with everyone in it, taking the keys with her. Ultimately this led to Yor in Harrison's room. It was rather plain with a stark exception in his display case and desk that showed off the many figures he owned... 

As Yor looked over the figurines he noticed that a lot of them were the exact same as Salter and Jalter. Not only that but there were others she didn't recognize. It was reaffirmed at this point how much Harrison really had known about the servants before the war started. Since she was in the snooping mood she decided to look through his sketchbooks. He had gone through 4 in the time that she had known him, but he rarely shared what he did, for whatever reason. Slowly she flipped through one of the books. "Angel Killers..." she mused to herself until the sound of a doorbell scared her half to death as she slammed the book closed.

"What looking at something you shouldn't be," BB chuckled in Yor's mind. "SHUT UP," she said sternly in response as she left to the front door to see the commotion. Annabelle was in the hallway before the door freaking out slightly at who was there. "Annabelle what's up who's here," Yor said taking a look through the peephole herself, as it couldn't have been Stella. Yor's eyes went wide in recognition. "I don't know he just said he was looking for Harrison," Annabelle said clearly worried. "Get Sakata and yourself into Harrison's bedroom and lock the door I'll deal with this," Yor said calmly urging the two of them off. With a deep breath, she prepared herself, that is by making her hair slightly more messy wrinkling her shirt, and messing with her skirt. "What do you want to look like you just got dressed," BB laughed at Yor. "Precisely," Yor said before reaching for the handle and opening the door a large smile plastered on her face.

"Mr.Righter, what do I owe the pleasure," Yor said excitedly. The man looked at her wide-eyed and confused. He was in a plain blue business suit and had a wet umbrella at his side, indicating to Yor the rain that was pouring down outside. "Where is Harrison, and also do I know you," the man said in a grave and assured tone that sent shivers down Yor's spine. See Harrison had shown her many pictures of his uncle who basically takes care of him, so she recognized this man instantly. "Oh Mr.Righter of course I know you, your Harrison's uncle- Oh my he must not have told you I'm his girlfriend Yor Reverant, but please just call me Yor," she said with a large smile that beamed brightly.

"Harrison has a girlfriend," he asked very hesitantly. "Oh yes haha, please please come in, sorry it took so long to get to the door I uhh had to straighten up," Yor responded with mock chagrin as she tried to straighten her appearance further. It is at this point that Mr.Righter's eyes went wide with recognition as well. "Oh my- umm I did not mean to interrupt anything my apologies, I will be right out of your hair, heh," he tried to recover not wanting to think of what his nephew had been doing with a girl like this. I mean no offense to his nephew, but this girl was way out of his league. With her perfect hair and high-quality clothes, this was clearly a woman who would treat his nephew right and he was getting into the middle of there... relations. 

"Oh no, please stay awhile H.R is just you know recovering haha," she laughed awkwardly only adding to the implications of what she had been doing with Harrison. "No no I really must go, just uhh give him this message when you are... done. His school called the other day, school is going to be canceled for the next couple of weeks due to hurricane damage they said. Anyways got important business you two have fun now and I DON'T WANT TO BE A GRAND UNCLE!" he shouted as he started to run away from the doorway. "BYE MR.RIGHTER DRIVE SAFE," Yor called out with a wave.

Closing the door behind herself she slowly slid down the door, and with a large exaggerated sigh, she relaxed. "Haha if only Harrison saw me that way," she mumbled under her breath her head in her hands.

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