Chapter LXXXVIII: Onward

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Scathach immediately whipped her head around to see the new presence on the battlefield, that being said however Harrison was too fast. Like a whirling hurricane, he sprung up next to Scathach and slammed his foot into her spear she had whipped around just in time to block. "Ah you are no servant yet you fight like one," Scathach said in her typical prudent tone. Stella was in shock and amazement at the sight, in front of her was that little boy she used to take care of, but something was different. She could tell even now through his ripped and burned clothes that he had put on muscle though he didn't gain any mass just a certain leanness. Not to mention the glowing lines across his entire body. Perhaps, most jarring was the confidence in which he stood staring down Lancer. "Harrison?" Stella couldn't stop herself from questioning.

Harrison knew better than to take his eyes off Scathach for even a moment and so only flashed her a thumbs up in response. It was now Scathach's turn to go on the offense however as she rushed at Harrison with the precision he was yet to face. All the servants and master he had fought up until this point were strong of course, but none of them had been as refined or as well mastered in their weapon as, "The Queen of the Land of Shadows," Harrison mumbled to himself.

With a swift kick to the sternum sending Harrison sliding backward a few paces Scathach stopped her advance for a moment. "So you know who I am," she said her tone portraying a certain level of surprise to the words. "Yeah you are Scathach a fantastic lancer and assassin but an even better caster, you've taught many a warrior am I wrong," Harrison responded in kind wiping the small flecks of blood from his mouth. "Oh so you know me well, then you should also know you have already lost this match," Scathach said oozing self-confidence. 

'If she is about as proficient with a lance as Salter is with a sword then I don't think I'll win this, did I ever beat Salter in a head-to-head sparring match... no'

Harrison nodded to himself lamenting the fact he had no plan to speak of, and his strengthening magecraft could only take him so far. Not to mention his mystic eyes couldn't really help him in this situation as he didn't want to kill Scathach or anyone for that matter. So Harrison went with his instinct and traded blows with Scathach, though for every one or two clean hits he got on her she got ten and he was very quickly starting to get worn down by her superior speed, technique, and experience. Harrison would learn a valuable lesson at this point as he was so focused on his fight that he had neglected to pay attention to where he was. Thus, as Scathach brought her spear back in a very readable manner Harrison easily dodged out of the way, the only problem being he didn't know Yor was behind him until he heard the sharp shriek of someone in pain. 

Quickly he turned to see that the spear had cut deeply into Yor's shoulder. Mana arched across Harrison's skin as his pupils faded from his eyes leaving pure white iris in their wake, his hair began to lose all coloration as he closed his fist and slammed it into the smiling Scathach with enough force to knock the wind from her and send her flying hundreds of feet away. Harrison shortly returned to normal and took his eyes off Scatach to check on Yor who was now held by Stella. 

"Yor are you okay, I am so sorry I-" a weak slap interrupted Harrison as Yor shut him up. "Will you stop worrying about others for a second and realize how stupid you are," Yor said smiling weekly. "HEY STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT AND FOCUS," she yelled at Harrison who couldn't help but smile softly in return. Though when he turned to Scathach this time he was full of absolute focus. "I win either way now, that I know you care about those two," Scathach said confusing Harrison for a moment as she stepped into a stance he had seen her pull off before in FGO.

"NO!" he exclaimed as he rushed towards her. "GAE BULG," she exclaimed in return losing the lance from her hand like a bullet. Harrison watched as it arched around him, however, he refused to make the same mistake twice. 

'The curse if I can kill it that Lance is mine.'

Harrison pumped all of his mana into his legs and eyes as he raced after the spear that was headed straight for Yor. "Harrison NO!" Stella called out already having seen the power of this move before. Harrison was like a spinning top as he came around from the side of the spear and slammed his right hand on the shaft pulling with all his might to stop the advance of the spear. It pulled him across the field easily, Yor closed her eyes as she anticipated the pain of being skewered, but the pain never came. Slowly she opened her eyes to see Harrison exhaling heavily holding the spear a mere millimeter from her face. His shirt was long gone and his pants were singed and dirty with the amount of dirt he had to kick up to stop the spear. Not to mention his arm that held the spear that was bloody all over.

"You stopped the cursed spear who are you," Scatach asked eyes wide. Harrison did not have the strength to respond however the heavens had their own way of illuminating the answer for him. As the North Star glowed brightly from the heavens shining a light down on him. Scathach came towards his nonresponsive form however when she got close two swords came from the shadows and embedded themselves where she would have been if she didn't stop her advance.


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