Chapter XCIX: Tare

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Suddenly Harrison felt the sensation of someone staring at his back. Not a watchful gaze, or something nearly that innocent but it had the full intent to kill. It was the same feeling that a mouse must get when a hawk locks its eyes on it. Harrison whipped around assuming that it would be the Berserker that was back after luring Harrison into a false sense of security but no such face made their appearance. Harrison ever so hesitantly removed his sunglasses the sights still bothering him but at least they would point out someone if they were there, despite that no new information was revealed to him.

Harrison swallowed hard as the cold dry breeze hit him hard. He knew someone was watching him he couldn't shake the feeling of that. However, he also knew that apparently, he could not see the cause of the feeling and so he came up with a plan quickly. Trying to act as naturally as possible he put his sunglasses back on and let out a sigh as he sat back in a chair and checked his phone. After miming through a couple of screens he let out another sigh before slapping his thighs and standing up, "Guess I'll have to cut this getaway short." Harrison was definitely a terrible actor but he was trying his best to make his expedited leave seem as natural as possible.

Quickly he raced down the stairs his senses on high alert for any sound of movement other than his own, and his eyes darted around the scene quickly. The feeling of being followed, watched, stalked, and out of control didn't leave Harrison on the drive home either. Thankfully he was skilled at driving and was able to acutely listen to his surroundings as well as drive competently as his stalker continued to watch over him. It was a malicious gaze Harrison already figured that out but the longer it lingered the more he couldn't help but feel it wasn't malicious towards him, that it was hatred of something else. Like someone who had a bad day in customer service and you got them at a bad time which is why they spat in your drink. 

That all seemed to stop as soon as he got to the parking lot of his house. The malicious intent, the gaze, and the feeling of being watched all disappeared instantly. It was that fact that only served to make Harrison even more on edge. Harrison let out a tired sigh as he rested his head against the steering wheel all of this, this made him exhausted he couldn't deny it any longer. When he entered his house again he noticed that no one was there. "They must be out doing something," Harrison mumbled to himself as he retrieved a glass from his kitchen and began to fill it with water. Taking a long swig he let his body relax further and further, he never knew how being hyper-attentive for so long could tucker someone out so quickly and effectively. 

"I need to take a mo..." Harrison's words died on his lips.


"Salter have you noticed something off about Harrison lately," Yor asked a little ways away in the clearing as she read a book of her own. Salter on the other hand was practicing sword forms trying to get her mind off of how helpless she felt, unable to understand what was on Harrison's mind. "Yeah, there is definitely something he is not letting on about," Salter commented as she continued to absent-mindedly swing her sword. Yor licked the tip of her finger before using it to flip the page delicately. "I've tried to ask him about it but he always gives that stupid smile and says oh no I am fine, that liar," Yor continues in a sarcastic impression of Harrison complete with his mannerisms and the works.

Salter suddenly stabbed her sword into the ground, "I know I know I just think he needs a little space," she said clearly unsure of her own words. "Ugh I hate this about him, why doesn't he understand that we are here for him too it isn't just a one-way street," Yor continued, slamming her book shut as she continued to vent her frustration. Salter thought back to a moment that happened a couple of days ago before responding, an idea formulating in her head. "What can you tell me about Righter's Ex-girlfriend," Salter said finally after a moment shocking Yor to the point she almost tumbled off the rock she was sitting on.

"I mean I can but where did that come from," Yor asked highly confused. "I just think that maybe from what I've heard there are some trust issues that he had developed from that relationship and after-effects," Salter asked as she took a seat on the grass. "Hmm well, I guess that's possible," Yor tapped her chin while thinking clearly formulating a concise explanation. "All I really know is a couple of things he never liked to talk about what she did to him or anything of the sort as 'one should always be mindful of another despite themselves'" she said again in mock of Harrison.

"From her side though she would constantly say nasty things about him without much rhyme or reason. At one point she had practically made the entire school turn against him it was rather astonishing, he went from a nobody to someone everyone hated not a great transition if you ask me," Yor continued seriously. It was Salter's turn to nod to herself, "That is truly something I do not have any comment on, it is a travesty yet I have nothing to offer, and that is somehow an even worse feeling," she said after a moment her head buried in her hands. "Maybe but maybe he also just needs a strong pillar there in support," Yor added as she looked up to the cloudless sky.


"We can do things the easy or the fun way you decide, my new plaything

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