Chapter V: Rest

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Harrison darted out of the passenger side of his car not minding the pouring rain as he darted around making sure there wasn't anyone around. His muscles and small wounds had mostly recovered after the 1-hour drive back after the race. Now pretty wet he knocks on the window signaling for Salter to get out. As the woman with platinum blonde hair and black and crimson armor gets out the raindrops make light plinking noises. Thankfully it was dark out as it has reached close to 9 pm so the black armor blended in with the shadows. Regardless Harrison tries to body block her in case any wandering eyes strayed toward her. "I still don't understand what's wrong with my armor," she says as they both begin to snake up the stairwell. Harrison just turns his head around and glares at her with a knowing gaze, "okay okay fair enough," she says conceding. By the time they get to his apartment his long hair was so wet, that it was stuck to his face and required him to brush it off so that he could see again. His hands go searching within his pockets for his keys a small tinge of panic crosses his mind before he sees from behind the armored hand stick a key in the door handle. "Looking for these," a smug voice says from behind him.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Harrison says quickly recovering from the previous embarrassment, as he swings the door wide open with mock dramatics. They both enter still dripping wet into the small tiled forum before stepping onto the carpet. "We should probably get cleaned up huh," Harrison manages to squeak out looking at the puddles pooling at their feet and their sopping wet hair. Salter just nods at this assertation, "Uhhh here let me show you to the bathroom really quickly, I only have one shower so I will try and dry off real quick while you have the first go around." Salter again just nods in response.

Harrison then quickly pulls Salter through the house pushing her into the tiled bathroom to save his prized carpet from any more water damage. After he closes the door between them he calls out to her, "Oh one more thing I'll give you a little tour if you would like, once you are done, and oh I got to get you some clothes too don't I... hmmm. Okay, I got some clothes you can wear for a bit until we can go shopping tomorrow after school." There is no response to this as all Harrison hears is the crash of falling metal before he hears the showerhead hiss to life, causing his face to turn bright red. Quickly shaking the thoughts from his mind he makes his way towards his kitchen to dry his hair and clean up the cuts... he no longer has "weird," he thinks.

It is about 10 minutes later that the events final catch up with Harrison. As realization dawns on him of the responsibility he has as he flips over his right hand revealing three red symbols, "command seals." (image attached below) As a master, he has a responsibility to win the war or die in the process. "Mages are going to be trying to kill me with heroic spirits like Vlad the Impaler," he says aloud with panic evident in his voice. "I don't even know anything about the war, the masters, the rules ugh," he gripes his head as his thoughts spiral out of control slightly. 

"Then there is Salter, who is a Saber-class speaking of which how could there have been two there is only allowed to be one spirit per class, maybe because she is an alter she can bypass that rule

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"Then there is Salter, who is a Saber-class speaking of which how could there have been two there is only allowed to be one spirit per class, maybe because she is an alter she can bypass that rule. Actually speaking of which I have an interesting advantage considering I am particularly well versed in Fate I may be able to maximize Salter's strengths and determine other spirits' true identities more easily. Yes, let's start with who I summoned Salter, the Dark-Tainted Tyrant known for being particularly cold, yet they are acting surprisingly warm towards me... Not the point! Now an Altria Alter ugh this is complicated, okay point by point lets write this out" Harrison decides as he looks around his kitchen for the small notepad and pen he writes his groceries on.

Passive Skills: Magic Resistance, Mana Generation, Anti-Rider

Active Skills: Attack Boost, Mana Boost, Crit Boost

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur Morgan, A++, Anti-Fortress, big damage laser

Other: Weak to Lancer Class and Alter Ego, Flame of despair??? unknown effect.

Nodding at the quick notes that he had scribbled down quickly on the note pad he rips the almost full-page before placing it on his otherwise clear counter space. "Is there anything more I am missing... Her Excalibur right right... and her armor... that she left in the bathro..." Harrison's thoughts take an immediate 180 from strategist to thinking of Salter in the shower. Her pale plush skin is hit with the steaming water raining from above as she stands there bare. He physically shakes his head back and forth trying to stop that train before it derails itself.

As he is trying to recover now straightening up miscellaneous objects within the room, he hears the creak of his bathroom door as it slowly opens. "Master I am finished with the shower, thank you again for letting me go first," Harrison slowly turns himself to look in the direction of Salter who is standing in the hallway bare. Salter sees Harrison's face turn a deep crimson as he whips his head around in an instant. "No no no no none of any of that!" stuttering Harrison waves his arms around wildly as if trying to defend himself from an invisible opponent. "One go please put some clothes on, and two do not call me Master, ummm uhhhh how about Righter y-yes Righter is fine," Harrison stumbles through.

"Okay Master I'll call you Righter from now on," Salter says putting extra emphasis on Master, "As for the clothes I don't have any that "don't stick out""

"R-right behind y-you any-ything in my closet is f-fine," the stutter only getting worse with each passing moment.

"Hmm I can't seem to fiiiiiiiind the door, you are going to need to come here and show me," a teasing tone evident in her voice.

"There are only two directions to go towards me and towards my room so clearly its the oth-" Harrison stops mid-sentence as a gentle hand traces over his back sending shivers down his spine.

"Towards you, why didn't you start with that Righter," Salter whispers into his ear her hot breath hitting his sensitive neck as all his attention is kept by her hand that seems to trace his spine as he tries his hardest to look away.

"You know I thought I was pretty attractive as far as servants go, but I must be mistaken because you can't even bear to look at me heh," Salter says putting Harrison in a trap he wasn't even aware of.

Harrison whips around quickly not taking any self-deprecation no matter who it is that says it, "You are-" he doesn't get to finish his protest however when he opens his mouth Salter plants a kiss upon his lips. Her lips taste like spring (Harrison doesn't know what that means either his brain is just melting) and they seem to fall perfectly upon him shutting him up in an instant. When she finally breaks the kiss she points behind her without turning around, "found it." She then begins to walk off leaving Harrison in utter shock. She walks in and almost closes the door all the way behind her. "Oh one more thing, you are really fun to mess with," Salter says with a wink before fully closing the door. Leaving Harrison in utter stunned silence.


I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, with a little spice because shenanigans are always fun, and lore drops the best combo. But yes there might be more antics like this in the future this was just a little taste as Salter teases Harrison, but things may get more serious as their relationship develops. And with that, I bid you all farewell.

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